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中文 英文
情趣 interest;temperament
情侣 lovers
情景 condition;scene
情节 plot
情歌 love song
情妇 mistress;lover
情调 romantic atmosphere;emotional appeal
情操 integrity
动情 to become enamoured
敌情 enemy situation
病情 patient's condition;state of an illness
表情 to express one's feelings;facial expression
薄情 ungrateful;fickle
爱情 love
尽情 to one's heart's content
交情 friendship
激情 fervor;passion;passionate
风情 romantic feelings
实情 real situation
深情 deep feeling
色情 sexy
柔情 the tender feelings of a lover
任情 to let oneself go;as much as one likes
热情 sincere and warm;enthusiasm
情状 condition
情谊 affection;friendship
情绪 mood;feeling
情书 love letter
民情 public opinions
领情 to appreciate the kindness
撩情 flirt
军情 military information
心情 state of mind;mood
详情 detailed information
偷情 to have an affair
私情 private feelings;illicit love
说情 to apologize;to intercede for somebody
惬情 satisfied;contented
衷情 heartfelt emotion;inner feelings
真情 real affection;true feelings;facts
友情 friendship
隐情 secrets
殉情 to die for love
锺情 to fall in love
闹情绪 to be disgruntled;to be in low spirits
难为情 ashamed
行情表 quotation list
抒情文 lyric proses
旧情人 ex-lover

中文 英文
同情 feel sorry for
尽情吃 tuck in
同情某人 have pity on
心情不好 in bad mood
n.情书 love letter
事态;情势 a state of affairs
非常难为情 burn with shame
n.情报局 intelligence office
与..有交情 be on good terms wit
n.恋母情结 Oedipus complex
n.表情缺失 amimia
n.色情电影 blue movie
n.小抒情曲 arietta
n.电子情报 elint
n. 色情狂 erotomania
同情於;摸索 feel for
n.尽情狂欢 gaudeamus
民谣;抒情曲 lieder
n.抒情诗人 lyricist
发情期;刺激 oestrus
adj.热情的 appassionato
n.恋爱;色情 amativeness
n.共党共情者 Comsymp
n.事情;事件 circs
v.把事情弄糟 bolix
n.悲悯;同情 compassion
n.妓女;情妇 courtesan
a. 无表情的 expressionless
n.情妇或妓女 fancy woman
向某人表达同情 feel sympathy with
n.炽热;热情 fervour
n.酷寒;无情 frostiness
n.魄力;热情 get up and go
n.心跳;热情 heartthrob
n.人性;人情 human nature
n.深情;慈悲 humaneness
n.情结;相思 love knot
n.情歌;恋歌 love song
n.市价;行情 market price
n. 脸,表情 phiz
adv.无情地 unfeelingly
adv.无情地 unrelentingly
n.男朋友;情郎 boyfriend
n.共产党情报局 Cominform
n. 中央情报局 Cia
n.恋父厌母情结 Electra complex
n.可控诉的情形 actionability
a. 依照情况的 circumstantial
v. 怜悯,同情 commiserate
n.同志爱;友情 comradeliness

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