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中文 英文
颓败 decadent;declining
衰败 to wane;to decline
沦败 to fall;lost or ruined
击败 to defeat
大败 to defeat utterly
打败 score off
败类 dregs of a community;the degenerate;corrupt people
败将 defeated general
败北 defeat;to be thwarted
战败国 defeated nation;vanquished nation
吃败仗 to be defeated

中文 英文
打败 have the better of
腐败硷 ptomain
腐败硷 ptomaine
失败;输掉 lose out
v. 打败 outfight
腐败;颓废 lepra
n. 腐败 putridity
n.堕落;腐败 corruptness
失败;终成泡影 come to nothing
v.失败;误投 miscarry
n.失败;误投 miscarriage
恶臭的;败坏的 reechy
adv.失败地 unsuccessfully
n.悲哉失败者 vae victis
n.殴打;击败 walloping
v. 打败,胜过 outrival
n.失败;上等货 clinker
n.滑铁卢;惨败 Waterloo
n. 衰败,大雨 downfall
v.使化脓;腐败 putrefy
n.失败者;伐木者 faller
n. 腐败,腐败物 putrefaction
n. 无敌,绝对不败 invincibility
n. 失败者,遗失者 loser
n. 损失,遗失,失败 loss
n. 分解,腐败,变质 decomposition
adj.失败的;落空的 frustrated
n. 不腐败,清廉洁白 incorruption
adv.腐败[堕落]地 corruptly
n. 腐败,堕落,贪污 corruption
v. 击败,打胜,克服 overpower
n. 勘漏,失察,失败 oversight
a. 将腐烂的,腐败的 putrescent
adj.腐败的;受贿的 venal
adv.易腐败[堕落]地 corruptibly
adj.不失败的;不朽的 indefectible
v. 翻倒,推翻,使失败 overset
n.造模者;铸模工v.腐败 moulder
v. 比...更聪明,打败 outsmart
adj.腐败的;放出腐臭的 putrid
n. 麻疯病,寒生氏病,腐败 leprosy
n. 不腐败,不能收买,清廉 incorruptibility
n.对英勇之战败者的特殊礼遇 honors of war
a. 坏疽的,脱疽的,腐败的 gangrenous
a. 有毒的,可厌的,败德的 poisonous
n. 落选的马,失败者,落选者 alsoran
v. 技术优于...,胜过,打败 outplay
a. 腐败的,易腐败的,使腐败的 putrefactive
a. 不腐败的,不能收买的,清廉的 incorruptible
n. 衰退,腐败;v. 衰退,腐败 decay

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