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中文 英文
to sell;goods;commodity
发货 to make shipment
订货 to order goods
存货 goods in stock
国货 native products;native goods
货车 cargo truck;freight train
货舱 hold of a freighter
货色 kinds or quality of goods
期货 goods to be delivered at a specific time
旧货 used goods
叫货 to place orders
贱货 tramp;cheap goods
货主 owner of goods;buyer
货栈 warehouse
什货 sundry goods
退货 to return goods already purchased
装货 to pack goods
杂货 sundry goods;grocery
新货 new goods
卸货 to unload;unloading
现货 merchandise in stock
现成货 ready-made goods
外国货 imported goods
售货员 salesclerk
收货单 mate's receipt;mate receipt
上等货 first-class goods
货物税 consolidated tax
货柜船 container ship
购货单 order

中文 英文
n.通货 circulating medium
大百货店 emporia
n.提货单 bill of lading
n.便宜货 be a steal
n.送货员 deliveryman
n.货币学 numismatology
n.定货簿 order book
n.定货单 order form
n.卸货港 port of discharge
n.卸货港 port of unloading
发货人;货主 consigner
v.出清存货 close out
n.货到付款 cash on delivery
n.运货车厢 freight car
n.运货卡车 motor truck
n. 货币石 nummulite
n.代用货币 token coin
n.代用货币 token money
n. 有盖货车 boxcar
n.拖货车的马 cart horse
n.大便;假货 dreck
n. 一种货币 florin
n.货船;货轮 freighter
n. 食品杂货 grocery
n.货载;装船 loading
adj.货币的 nummulary
n.一货车之量 truckload
n.失败;上等货 clinker
n.金银通货主义 bullionism
n. 运货马车夫 carter
n.大木材;订货 backlog
n. 死重,重货 deadweight
乾货商;化学品商 drysalter
n. 货物,工具 goods
帽店;帽商的货品 hattery
n.手推车;货车 trolley
n.手推车;货车 trolly
n. 泰国货币单位 baht
n.理财学;货殖论 chrematistics
n.金银通货主义者 bullionist
n. 阻止通货膨胀 disinflation
n.便宜货;新出品 doodad
n. 运货马车运送 drayage
n. 运货马车车夫 drayman
n. 药房,杂货店 drugstore
n.船边交货的价格 free on board
n.(货物)起卸口 hoistway
n.装运货物的箱子 packing case
n. 德国货币单位 reichsmark
n. 通货交换价值 valuta

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