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中文 英文
骤然 suddenly
依然 remain;still
突然 unexpectedly;abruptly;suddenly
恬然 calm
坦然 calm;unperturbed
虽然 even though;although
释然 feel at ease
骚然 agitated
仍然 yet;still
然而 however;but;nevertheless;yet
全然 entirely;completely;totally
偶然 by chance
猛然 abruptly;suddenly
贸然 intrusively
茫然 at a loss;uncertain
凛然 strict;stern
慨然 generous;kind
或然 probable
涣然 to vanish;to melt away
轰然 with a loud crash or bang
诚然 certainly
惨然 sad
必然 necessity;certain;inevitably
昂然 upright and unafraid;haughtily
岸然 solemnly
黯然 sad;gloomy
翩然 lightly
斐然 splendid
遽然 suddenly
迥然 very different
愕然 astonished;startled
矍然 to look around in fear
自然美 natural beauty
蓦然地 suddenly
大自然 great universe

中文 英文
必然 be bound to
既然 in as much
虽然 in spite of
既然 now that
当然 of course
必然 of necessity
突然地 all of a sudden
偶然来访 blow in
茫然不知 be at a loss
突然发作 burst forth
突然大哭 burst into tears
突然大笑 burst into laughter
仍然有效 hold good
井然有序 in order
突然想到 it occurs to someone
安然脱险 land on one's feet
欣然接受 leap at
听其自然 let someone alone
仍然;但 none the less
突然笑起来 burst out laughing
突然哭起来 burst out crying
爆发;突然 burst out
丝毫;全然 at all
不然;以防 lest .. should
欣然;欢迎 with open arms
当然;一定 with pleasure
依然;一样地 all the same
n.突然熄火 flameout
n.天然气井 gas well
n.偶然遇见 happen to meet
ad. 然而 howbeit
n.偶然遇见 meet .. by accident
n.偶然遇见 meet .. by chance
n. 盖然论 probabilism
天生地;天然地 by nature
闯入;突然发作 burst into
ad. 公然地 avowedly
n.偶然;无意 accidentalism
adv.茫然地 absentmindedly
n.详细;偶然 circumstantiality
故障;突然失灵 conk out
ad. 公然地 declaredly
n. 自然神教 deism
n.或然率相同 equiprobability
偶然碰见;同意 fall in with
舔光;欣然接受 lap up
断然地;坚决地 once and for all
突然走出;突出 pop out
n. 弄出砰然 popper
n.公然猥亵罪 public indecency

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