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中文 英文
to transfer;to change;to turn
转移 to shift;to transfer;to change
转眼 in a flash
转学 to transfer to another school
转弯 to make a turn
转送 to transmit on
转述 to report
转手 to pass on
转生 metempsychosis
转让 to transfer;to change
转卖 to resell
转角 corner
转嫁 to transfer;to remarry
转换 to transform;to change
转动 to turn
转达 to communicate;to convey
转变 to change;to shift
移转 to transfer
婉转 to state something gently without hurting another'
扭转 turn round
转帐 transfer
左转 to turn left
自转 rotation
转捩点 turning point
转运港 transit port
周转率 turnover rate
急转弯 sharp turn

中文 英文
转交 cc
回转 turn around
转盘 turnplate
旋转的 gyratory
v.转坏 get worse
旋转罗盘 gyro
在转角处 on the corner
n.转载 transshipment
v.转向 turn to
转变为.. be transformed into
n.转柄钻 center bit
n.转让人 ceder
v. 旋转 circumvolve
n.汽转球 aeolipile
n. 回转 gyrus
v. 移转 jibe
修改;移转 make over
v. 转移 metastasize
n.转辙机 point switch
n.转播站 relay station
逐出;翻转 turn out
翻转;移交 turn over
v.向右转 turn right
v. 使内转 adduct
n. 内转肌 adductor
n. 周转圆 epicycle
转主寄生现象 heteroecism
n. 转力矩 torque
n.垂直旋转 vertical turn
v.逆时针旋转 contrarotate
n.周转;旋涡 circumvolution
v.旋转;循环 circumrotate
v.旋转/翻转 Rotate/Flip
n.逆转;倒旋 backspin
n.外转隐斜眼 exophoria
n.下转隐斜眼 hypophoria
n. 转化酵素 invertase
a. 可转移的 transferable
v.迁移;转生 transmigrate
n.迁移;转生 transmigration
n.传送;转送 transmittal
倒转;彻底搜查 turn upside down
n. 十字转门 turnstile
n.分租;转借 underlease
n.急转;急变 zag
n.急转;急变 zig
n.下坡转弯加速 avalement
v.使外转;外展 abduce
n. 转换,逆转 changeover
n. 割让,转让 cession

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