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中文 英文
to die
死亡 decease;death;die
死水 stagnant water
死囚 death convict
死路 a road to destruction
死角 dead angle
死海 dead sea
死光 death ray
死点 dead center
死党 sworn confederate
怕死 to be afraid of death;to be much scared
溺死 to be drowned
脑死 brain death
闷死 to be suffocated to death
累死 to be very tired
勒死 to throttle;to strangle
救死 to save one's life
绞死 to hang up
假死 pretend to be dead
横死 to die an unnatural death
敢死 dare to die
冻死 to freeze to death;to die of frost
垂死 to be dying
必死 will certainly die
死讯 obituary notice
死心 give up hope;give up
死相 ghastly
撞死 to kill by bumping
致死 causing death
找死 to court death
炸死 to kill by bombing
死後 after death;posthumous
死者 the dead
死硬派 die-hards
替死鬼 scapegoat
死亡表 necrology

中文 英文
冻死 freeze to death
处死 put someone to death
处死 put to death
枯死 wither up
相继死亡 die off
n.溺死 drowning
n.死结 flat knot
停止;死 pack up
v.冻死 winterkill
n.黑死病 black death
死绝;死透 dead as a doornail
n.死亡率 death rate
n.死亡人数 death toll
n.死亡名簿 death roll
n.细胞坏死 cytoclasis
n.死的象徵 memento mori
n.不死;不灭 athanasy
n.不死;不灭 athanasia
a. 临死前的 antemortem
n.死亡证明书 certificate of death
v. 死,去逝 dies
adj.死後的 posthumous
n. 丧失,死别 bereavement
n. 死尸,尸首 cadaver
n. 死重,重货 deadweight
adv.趋向死亡 deathward
n. 沟中的死水 ditchwater
n. 电刑,电死 electrocution
n.溺刑;溺死刑 noyade
v. 毁减,死亡 perish
n.处决死囚的电椅 death chair
n.象徵死亡的舞蹈 dance of death
n.安死术;安乐死 mercy killing
n. 死神,死的天使 Azrael
n.囚禁死刑犯的牢房 condemned cell
n.[机]死点;静点 dead center
n. 一百万人之死亡 megadeath
n.刎颈之交;生死之交 damon and pythias
a. 可诅咒的,该死的 damnable
n.黑死病;淋巴腺鼠疫 bubonic plague
n. 死水,滞水,停滞 backwater
n. 死亡;v. 死亡 decease
adj.如死的;要命的 deathy
n.希望某人死亡之愿望 death wish
adj.不死的;不灭的 deathless
adj.该死的;讨厌的 fucking
adj.致死的;致命的 lethiferous
n. 生魂,死灵,幽灵 wraith
n.死亡的方法;去世地点 deathplace
n. 被牧羊人大卫杀死的 Goliath

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