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中文 英文
to intercept;to stop;to cut
拦截 to intercept
截至 as of time;by time
截止 to end;to close;deadline
截面 section cut straight through
截角 to cut off a corner
截断 to cut off;to interrupt

中文 英文
拦截 head off
截断;断绝 cut off
n.截稿时间 press time
n.截稿时间 edition time
n.神经节截除术 ganglionectomy
n. 截头体,柱同 frustum
n.开孔锯;截圆锯 compass saw
n.静脉曲张截除术 cirsectomy
n.中途夺取;拦截 interception
n. 切掉顶端,截头,截断 truncation
n. 公路,大道,直截的途径 highway
n. 死线,原稿截止时间,截止期限 deadline
n. 阻止的人,妨碍者,拦截战斗机 interceptor
v. 分成三部份,分成三截,三等分 trisect
a. 横过的,横断线的;n. 截线,横行肌 transversal
v. 切去头端,缩短,截棱成平面;a. 切去了头 truncate
n. 断头台,截断机,切除器;v. 以断头台斩首 guillotine
n. 截取,妨碍,截距;v. 拦截,阻止,截取;[计 intercept
a. 精选的,采摘的,截出的;v. 挑选;vbl. 挑 picked

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