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中文 英文
厌烦 to be sick of;to be bored
心烦 upset;disturbed
耐烦 patient
麻烦 trouble;troublesome
烦扰 to trouble;to harass;to annoy;to bother
烦恼 vexed;vexation;annoyed
烦乱 bothered;discomposed
烦交 care of;to please deliver
不耐烦 impatient

中文 英文
厌烦 fed up
厌烦 be through with
惹麻烦 make trouble
极为厌烦 be bored to death
被某人烦扰 be annoyed with
被某事烦扰 be annoyed at
饱受;厌烦 be fed up with
令人烦厌地 ad nauseam
v. 烦扰 bother
a. 烦人的 boresome
n.烦躁不安 dysphoria
a. 烦扰的 disturbing
对..厌烦了 get tired of
n.苦恼;烦心 kiaugh
n.无聊;厌烦 fastidium
ad. 厌烦地 disgustedly
n.烦恼;焦虑 worrit
n.麻烦事;纰漏 boiling water
n. 迫害,烦扰 persecution
n. 厌烦,沉闷 tedium
n. 惹麻烦的人 troublemaker
为..忧虑;烦恼的 be worried about
adj.烦躁不安的 dysphoric
adv.令人心烦地 disquietingly
a. 烦燥的,焦燥的 fretful
a. 厌烦的,厌腻的 cheesed
n. 烦恼,可厌之事 annoyance
v. 使烦恼,使苦恼 pester
a. 麻烦的,讨厌的 troublesome
ad. 恼人地,烦人地 annoyingly
adj.因过量而厌烦的 cloying
n. 困扰,烦扰,烦恼 harassment
v. 强求,硬要,烦渎 importune
adj.繁重的;麻烦的 onerous
a. 难应付的,麻烦的 kittle
adj.麻烦的;极端的 plaguey
adj.焦虑的;烦恼的 worrying
adv.焦虑地;烦恼地 worryingly
n.使某人不安;令人心烦 make one nervous
adv.烦恼地;受嘲弄地 teasingly
v. 除去障碍物,摆脱烦恼 disencumber
n.麻烦;苦恼int.苦恼 botheration
为..而费心;以..而烦扰 bother with
为..而费心;以..而烦恼 bother about
adj.令人生厌的;厌烦的 hohum
adv.麻烦地;令人苦恼地 troublesomely
a. 散乱的,污秽的,麻烦的 messy
a. 烦人的,无聊的,无趣的 boring
a. 烦恼的,心痛的,发狂的 distraught
adj.没有苦恼的;无麻烦的 unmolested

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