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中文 英文
晋见 to see;to call on
接见 to receive;to grant an interview to
见证 witness;testimony
见笑 to excuse;to laugh at
见面 to interview;to meet
见解 view;opinion
见鬼 fantastic;absurd
见怪 to take offence
听见 to hear
瞧见 to catch sight of
浅见 my opinion
歧见 conflicting ideas;different opinions
瞥见 to have a glimpse at
偏见 bias;to prejudice;prejudice
梦见 to see in a dream
会见 to interview
罕见 seldom seen;rare
相见 meet one another
显见 apparent;obvious
叩见 to visit a superior;to call on
拙见 my humble opinion
撞见 to meet or discover by chance
主见 point of view;one's own judgement;idea or thought
政见 political views
召见 to summon to an interview
再见 good-bye;so long;see you again
意见书 written opinions
怎见得 how;why
无远见 to lack foresight
不见得 not likely;not necessarily
没见识 ignorant of
活见鬼 absurd

中文 英文
看见 catch sight of
瞥见 glance at
看不见 out of sight
梦见.. dream of
看见;洞察 catch the vision of
看见..时 at the sight of
n.月见草 evening primrose
谬见;观念 idola
n. 见习 novitiate
对..偏见 prejudice against
v.见下页 vide infra
伺候;谒见 wait on
n.书生之见 eggheadedness
n.偶然遇见 happen to meet
码头;接见会 levee
n.偶然遇见 meet .. by accident
n.偶然遇见 meet .. by chance
adv.见前 vide ante
adv.见後 vide post
n.再会;再见 auf wiedersehen
n.再会;再见 au revoir
撞入;偶尔遇见 bang into
偶然碰见;同意 fall in with
与..一见如故 feel at home with
n.谬见;观念 idolum
n.立点;意见 point of view
n.预料;预见 preconception
v.请见;参阅 vide
a. 看得见的 visible
v. 消失,不见 disappear
意见不合;不同意 disagree with
n. 预知,先见 prescience
n. 先见,预知 prevision
a. 没有偏见的 unbiased
adj.书生之见的 eggheaded
n.好眼光;好见地 good sense
n.过份尊崇;谬见 idolism
临近;可被..望见 in sight of
n.未过目;未见过 unsight unseen
n. 分岐,意见不同 divarication
n.云高及能见度无限 CAVU
n. 听不见,不可闻 inaudibility
adj.有先见之明的 previsional
int.再见;一路平安 adios
n.教皇对大批人的接见 baciamano
对..视而不见;看不懂 be blind to
v.使听不见;使听不清 deave
v. 逐渐看不见,消散 evanesce
a. 看不见月亮期间的 interlunar

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