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中文 英文
to cut;to kill;to chop
斩获 to score a victory on the battlefield

中文 英文
v. 斩首,杀头 decollate
n.斩首者;刽子手 decapitator
v. 斩首,杀头,开革 decapitate
n. 斩首杀头,撒职,解雇 decapitation
n. 战斧,钺;v. 用战斧斩 tomahawk
n. 断头台,截断机,切除器;v. 以断头台斩首 guillotine
v. 剪,砍伐,斩;v. 剪枝,斩,悬挂;n. 砍伐, lop

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