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中文 英文
right;power;weight;to authorize;to weigh;expedienc
篡权 usurp throne
产权 ownership of real estate
皇权 imperial power
君权 monarchy
人权 human rights
权限 the limit of authority or power
权威 authority
权势 power and influence
权力 power;authority
权贵 dignitary
权柄 power;authorization
特权 privilege
版权 copyright
债权 creditor's rights
主权 sovereignty;sovereign right
职权 authority of office
自治权 autonomy
专利权 patent right
著作权 copyright
支配权 power of control;right to dispose of
优先权 priority
行政权 administrative power
外交权 diplomatic power
所有权 ownership
授权书 letter of attorney
赦免权 pardon power
立法权 legislative power
控制权 control;domination
监察权 power of control
豁免权 diplomatic immunity
当权派 the clique in power
财产权 property right;ownership of property

中文 英文
有权使用 access to
n.女权 woman's rights
女权运动 women's liberation
零钱;权利 dibs
n. 教权 magisterium
获得专卖权 monopolise
n.专利权 patent right
n.赦免权 prerogative of mercy
n.公民权利 civil rights
n.民权主义 Whiggism
n.民权主义 Whiggery
n.民权党员 Whig
n.权利法案 bill of right
n.治外法权 exterritoriality
n.治外法权 extrality
n.治外法权 extraterritoriality
n.全权公使 minister plenipotent
n.强权外交 power politics
n. 先述权 preaudience
n. 所有权 proprietorship
n.极权主义 totalitarianism
n.超越权限 ultra vires
n. 否决权 veto
n.优越;权势 ascendance
典范的;权威的 classes
n.教权主义者 clericalist
n.领事裁判权 consular jurisdictio
n.外交豁免权 diplomatic immunity
n. 剥夺公权 disfranchisement
n.剥夺继承权 disherison
n.选择遗产权 esnecy
a. 治外法权 extraterritorial
n.授权;叙任 investiture
n.使节的职权 legateship
a. 有全权的 omnicompetent
n.权利请愿书 petition of right
n.力量;权势 potence
n.力量;权势 potency
n.优先债权人 preferred creditor
[权利]让渡人 releasor
n. 侵权行为 tort
n.褫夺公权终身 civil death
n.特许权登录簿 cartulary
n. 圣职授与权 advowson
v. 信任,授权 accredit
n.债权人;债主 debtee
格言;权威的断言 dicta
n. 帝国,帝权 empire
n.全权;无约束 free hand
n.绝对权;主权 imperium

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