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中文 英文
冗杂 mixed up;confused
拉杂 rambling;ill-organized;jumbled
混杂 to mix;to mingle
繁杂 trivial and complicated
打杂 to drudge
搀杂 to mix;to blend
杂音 noise
杂务 chore;miscellaneous business
杂碎 chop sooy;chop suey;complicated and trifling
杂念 distracting thoughts
杂粮 miscellaneous grain crops
杂技 vaudeville
杂货 sundry goods;grocery
杂费 miscellaneous expense

中文 英文
n.杂脍 chowder
杂合现象 heterozygosis
杂合现象 heterozygosity
n. 复杂 complicacy
打杂的工人 chore boy
n. 杂草 fireweed
n.心杂音 heart murmur
n. 混杂 mishmash
n.二性杂种 dihybrid
n.杂耍演员 geek
n.杂牌电脑 kludge
n.杂醇[油] fusel
n.记事;杂录 adversaria
n.特技;杂技 acrobatism
n.王八;杂种 cowson
n. 食品杂货 grocery
n.内脏;肚杂 harslet
n.杂色毛织品 heather mixture
n.杂乱;混乱 huggermugger
adv.杂乱地 intricately
n.混杂之语言 pidgin
v.混合;混杂 wuzzle
n.杂碎;杂炒菜 chop suey
n.野狗;杂种狗 cur
n.杂种犬的一种 bull terrier
n. 杂物收藏室 boxroom
n. 蠹吾属杂草 groundsel
n. 内脏,肚杂 haslet
n.混煮;混杂物 hotchpotch
v. 混杂,混入 interlard
v. 搀杂,混杂 jumble
n. 狗,杂种狗 pooch
n. 混杂,混杂物 farraginous
n. 药房,杂货店 drugstore
n.回交;逆代杂交 backcross
v.使混杂;使混参 immingle
n.杂酚油;木馏油 kreosote
杂样水果冻;混杂物 macedoine
n. 报摊,杂志摊 newsstand
n.花香;肉菜杂烩 potpourri
n.餐厅之打杂的工人 busboy
n. 杂交草莓的一种 boysenberry
n.装零杂物品的容器 catchall
n.杂役;职位低微者 bottle washer
n. 杂木林,杂木山 holt
v.使交叉;使生杂种 intercross
n. 种族混合,杂婚 miscegenation
v. 使...成杂色 mottle
a. 杂色的,斑驳的 mottled
a. 吵杂的,聒噪的 noisy

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