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中文 英文
历来 invariably
来源 source;origin
来意 one's purpose in coming
来往 to come and go;dealings;contact
来头 interest;connections;backing
来势 background
来使 messenger
来人 messenger;bearer
来路 antecedents;origin
来函 your letter
来访 to come to visit
後来 later;then
早来 to come early
由来 so far;up to now
以来 since
向来 always;never
未来 in the future
晚来 to come late
来宾 guest;visitor
看来 appear;look
近来 recently;lately
後来人 successor
合不来 cannot get along with
过来人 a passer-by
打进来 to worm into
绑起来 to tie up
凸出来 stuck out
提起来 lift
来不及 to be too late to

中文 英文
过来 come over
醒来 wake up
来自於 be from
在将来 in the future
拿下来 lift down
翻过来 turn outside in
结合起来 band together
偶然来访 blow in
越来越糟 from bad to worse
集合起来 gang up
一般来说 generally speaking
来自体外 heterogeny
考虑未来 look to the future
走来走去 move about
走来走去 move around
平均起来 on average
振作起来 pull oneself togethe
平息下来 quiet down
收拾起来 tidy away
争取过来 win over
n.近来 yesterdayness
回来;放回 be back
用来做.. be used for
v. 带来 bring
突然哭起来 burst out crying
突然笑起来 burst out laughing
进来;回答 come in
从..出来 come out of
n.来回票 day ticket
来自体外的 heterogenous
以後;後来 later on
不同来历的 of different origins
喘不过气来 out of breath
n.自来水 tap water
下楼来;生病 be down
合起来;结束 close up
来自;出身於 come from
将..连起来 connect .. with
以..来装饰 decorate with
腾空;腾出来 empty out
尽量收集进来 gather in
n. 来宾室 guestchamber
匆匆摘记下来 jot down
把..锁起来 lock away
n. 来沙尔 lysol
从来没听说过 never heard of it
n. 新来者 newcomer
n. 马来獾 teledu
n.灵感之来源 Aganippe
n.来夫卡斯岛 Levkas

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