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中文 英文
查阅 to read;to look up
查询 to inquire about
查问 to inquire
查勤 to make an attendance check
查勘 to survey
查核 investigate
查访 to visit;to investigate
查对 to check;to verify
盘查 to investigate
考查 to examine
究查 to probe;to investigate
稽查 to check;to inspect;to examine
访查 to investigate
调查 investigation;to investigate
抽查 to check randomly;to survey
追查 to investigate
侦查 to investigate
细查 to investigate thoroughly
查办 to investigate and handle accordingly
查证 to check
查帐员 auditor
搜查证 search warrant
查字典 to look up in the dictionary
查档案 to look into the archives

中文 英文
检查 check on
审查 go through
检查过 check over
探查究竟 go back of
v.检查 jerque
v.查探 nose into
摸索;探查 feel around
检查;核对 check up
n.查票人 checkman
n. 理查 Richard
查问;浏览 look into
n.调查庭 preliminary hearing
n.查哇利河 Javari
n. 查尔斯 Charles
n.听力检查 audio acuity
n.非法搜查 bag job
n.电流检查 galvanoscopy
n. 调查学 criminalistics
n.文献调查 literature search
n.身体检查 physical examination
n.仔细的检查 double check
v.作民意调查 gallup
n.视力检查表 eye chart
n. 细菌检查 bacterioscopy
n.核对;查对 checkage
结构化查询语言 SQL
n.散光计检查 astigmatoscopy
v.调查;研究 indagate
n.调查;研究 indagation
n.结石检查器 lithoscope
v.侦察;勘查 reconnoiter
v.侦察;勘查 reconnoitre
n.视力检查表 test type
倒转;彻底搜查 turn upside down
a. 不检查的 unsight
n.查拉几族土人 Cherokee
再斟酌;留待查覆 ad referendum
n.户口调查人员 census taker
n.内视镜检查法 endoscopy
n. 调查,研究 investigation
n.意外险的调查员 claimsman
n.生活环境调查员 caseworker
n. 生活环境调查 casework
n.[医]喉镜检查 laryngoscopy
调查;从上面看过去 look over
n.查验者;试验物 trior
n.女查帐员;女听者 auditress
n. 摇篮车,勘查者 perambulator
v.再调查;重新调查 reinvestigate
n.再调查;重新调查 reinvestigation

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