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中文 英文
to receive;to accept;to collect
秋收 autumn harvest
签收 to sign after receiving something
丰收 bumper harvest
点收 to check and accept
代收 collection
收费 charge
收成 harvest
收工 to end work for the day
收盘 closing quotation
收拢 to draw in
收敛 to put restraint on one's own behavior
收看 to watch
收惊 to quiet the soul of a terrified child by a charm
收集 to collect
收回 take back;reclaim
收取 to accept;to receive
收讫 received
徵收 collect;imposition
征收 to collect;to levy
招收 to enroll;to admit;to accept
验收 to check and accept
吸收 to assimilate;to absorb
税收 tax revenue
收殓 to lay a corpse in a coffin
收兵 to withdraw troops
收益 gains;profit
收押 to take into custody;to detain
收心 to concentrate attention
收听 to listen to
收缩 to contract;to shrink
收拾 to tidy up;to put in order;to pack
收容所 reception center;a camp
收益税 property or tax
收票员 ticket collector
收购站 purchasing station
收货单 mate's receipt;mate receipt
收费站 toll station
收藏家 collector

中文 英文
收藏 pack away
收听 tune in
吸收率 absorption coefficie
收割机 harvester
收拾起来 tidy away
收拾整齐 tidy out
n.收银机 cash register
密集;收缩 coarctation
n.收帐人 debt collector
聚集;收集 gather round
收听;监听 listen in
n.收票员 lobbyman
n.接收站 receiving station
n.原收件人 OldRecipient
n.收盘价格 closing price
n.没收基金 disendowment
n. 收税官 exciseman
尽量收集进来 gather in
v.重新徵收 reimpose
n.重新徵收 reimposition
v. 再吸收 resorb
n.古董收藏家 antiquer
a. 无收差的 anastigmatic
n.书籍收藏家 bibliophilist
n.时钟收音机 clock radio
a. 收敛性的 constringent
n.矿石收音机 crystal set
v. 没收基金 disendow
n.景幕;收场 dropscene
n.结瘢;收瘢 epulosis
n.绳索收紧器 euphroe
n.收割[物] harvestry
n.扣留;收容 internment
n.俘虏收容所 internment camp
a. 可徵收的 leviable
n.邮件收发机 mailing machine
n.接受;收到 receival
n.年金;岁收 rente
a. 再吸收的 resorbent
n.化学吸收作用 chemisorption
n. 杂物收藏室 boxroom
n. 无收差透镜 anastigmat
v. 收集,积聚 amass
a. 收养关系的 adoptive
n.被吸收的物质 absorbate
v. 收集,聚集 collect
n. 收缩,收敛 constringency
n.热的突然吸收 decalescence
n. 所得,收入 earnings
n.庄稼[收益] emblements

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