
  按部首检索  按拼音检索
中文 英文
罢手 to give up;to discontinue
扒手 pickpocket
得手 to succeed
搓手 to rub one's hands
舵手 steerman
对手 rival
毒手 murderous scheme
佛手 buddha's hand
分手 to break up;to part company
放手 to let go;to have a free hand in
号手 bugler
鼓手 drummer
高手 master;expert
副手 assistant;helper
空手 empty-handed
靠手 armrest
举手 to raise hands
经手 to be responsible for;to handle
接手 to take over
箭手 archer
棘手 troublesome;thorny
挥手 to wave one's hand
还手 to strike back;to hit back
人手 manpower
巧手 dab hand
旗手 standard-bearer
拍手 to clap hands
拿手 to be good at;one's special skill
动手 to start work
身手 skill;dexterity
射手 gunner;archer;shooter
手工 handiwork
手势 sign;signal;gesture
手球 handball
手排 manual transmission
手绢 handkerchief
手臂 arm
手套 gloves
手头 one's financial condition
手腕 skills;tact;wrist
手纹 lines of the hand
手相 lines of the palm
手写 hand-written
手续 procedure
手语 dactylology;sign language
手杖 stick
手足 brothers;lanky
手铐 handcuffs
双手 both hands
水手 sailor;seaman

中文 英文
左手 bridle hand
n.解手 answer the call of n
n.护手 armguard
n.歌手 chansonnier
比赛平手 end in a draw
接受手术 go under the knife
n.手语 hand language
n.手巾 hand towel
n.手枪 handgun
n.手帕 hanky
n.手淫 masturbation
n.水手 matelot
n.翼手类 Chiroptera
n. 手斧 adae
n. 扶手 armrest
n.手风琴 barrel organ
v. 招手 beckon
n.畸形手 clubhand
到手;接到 come to hand
n. 弩手 crossbowman
n.神枪手 dead shot
开始;著手 enter upon
n.一垒手 first baseman
n. 手枪 gat
n. 手套 glove
手套贩卖商 glover
攻击;著手 go at
n.手枪战 gunplay
n.手刹车 hand brake
n.手摇钻 hand drill
n. 手锯 handsaw
n. 舵手 helmsman
n.肝手术 hepatotomy
n. 手帕 noserag
n. 划手 oarsman
n.手术室 operating room
n.手术室 operation room
n. 扒手 pickpocket
n.三垒手 third baseman
手提轻机枪 tommy gun
n.手巾架 towel rail
n.手巾柜 towel shelf
n. 帮手 underservant
n. 手表 wristwatch
n.整形手术 anaplasty
n. 手风琴 accordion
个人数据助手 PDA
n. 空手道 Karate
n. 水手长 boatswain
n.拳击手套 boxing glove

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