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中文 英文
刻意 painstakingly;with intensive attention
敬意 regard;to revere;respect
会意 understanding;knowing
合意 pleasing
好意 kindness;to mean well
含意 implication
敌意 hostility
得意 to be complacent
词意 meaning of a word or phrase
肆意 wanton;at will
属意 to have a preference for
示意 signal hint
失意 to be discouraged;to be frustrated
生意 vitality;business
如意 as one wishes
歉意 apology;regret
民意 popular opinions
美意 good will
满意 satisfaction
立意 to make up one's mind;conception
乐意 willing
来意 one's purpose in coming
心意 mind;intention
用意 purpose;intention
意愿 wish;aspiration
意想 imagination;to imagine
意图 intention;intent
意气 emotion;personal grudges
意境 artistic conception
主意 idea;will;plan
旨意 decree;order
悦意 agreeable;amusing;pleasing;pleasant
愿意 to be willing;to wish
注意力 attention
语意学 semantics
有意识 conscious
意见书 written opinions
无意中 unintentionally
无意识 unconscious;to lose one's consciousness
玩意儿 toy;activity for entertainment
拉生意 solicit business
不经意 pay no attention

中文 英文
随意 at will
意图 drive at
随意地 at random
不怀善意 be down on
改变主意 change one's mind
改变主意 come round to
有意要做 have a great notion
赞成;同意 approve of
照料;注意 attend to
小心;注意 be careful of
n.泛意语 counterword
n. 睡意 drowsiness
照应;注意 look to
留心;注意 on the watch
顺利;如意 one's day
愿意;意欲 would like to
n. 意大利 Italy
a. 满意的 approving
随意的;无事 at liberty
对..有敌意 be hostile to
n. 生意人 businessmen
n.阶级意识 class consciousness
与..做生意 do business with
引起某人注意 engage one's attenti
n.语意不清 glossolalia
n.意念统制 idiodynamics
v.引人注意 leap out
合理;有意义 make sense
n. 意志力 psychokinesis
谢谢您的好意 thank you for your k
a. 不愿意 unwilling
n.注意;谈及 advertency
n.注意;谈及 advertence
随意;无限制, ad libitum
n.偶然;无意 accidentalism
对..感到满意 be satisfied with
n. 任意删除 bowdlerism
恶意的;打斜的 catawampus
引起某人的注意 catch one's eye
奸邪的;恶意的 cattywampus
n.满意;知己 contentment
ad. 故意地 deliberately
n.反意连接词 disjunctive conjunct
偶然碰见;同意 fall in with
v.作民意调查 gallup
n.敌意;憎恨 ill blood
n.憎恶;恶意 ill will
n.恶意;有害 malignance
n.恶意;有害 malignancy
a. 无意义的 meaningless

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