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中文 英文
to have;there is
拥有 to have;to posses
现有 existent;available
鲜有 rare
握有 to possess
未有 there has not been;there never was
少有 scarce;seldom;rare;scarcely;rarely
颇有 to be much like
具有 to possess;to have
仅有 to have only;merely
共有 owned by both
富有 wealthy;rich
有关 relevant;concerned with
有机 organism
有恒 have persistence
有害 harmful
有力 emollient
有利 advantage
有空 at leisure;free
有孕 pregnant
只有 only
占有者 occupant
有资格 qualified;competent;eligible
有用处 useful
有益的 helpful;beneficial
有毅力 determinate
有意识 conscious
有修养 cultivated
有效用 effective
有效期 term of validity
有效的 valid;effectual;effective
有条理 orderly
有时候 sometimes
有趣味 interesting
有教养 cultivated
有记号 markedness
有过节 have grudge
有给职 paid post
有道理 in the right;reasonable
有才能 gifted
持有人 holder
所有人 proprietor;owner
所有权 ownership
私有制 a system of private ownership

中文 英文
有用 be of use
没有 go without
拥有 have got
有空 have time off
有效 in force
有时 now and again
拥有 possess of
拥有 provided with
有一点 a touch of
有时候 at times
估计有 estimate at
有诚心 in earnest
有几分 kind of
有价值 of value
那儿有 there is
有权使用 access to
所有的人 all flesh
大有帮助 be a great help
有失身分 beneath one's dignit
大有助益 do a great deal of g
有点想做 has half a mind to
有意要做 have a great notion
仍然有效 hold good
患有某病 ill with
井然有序 in order
n.有病 unhealthiness
有价值的 worth one's salt
没有拘束的 at one's ease
因..有名 be famous for
有..之罪 be guilty of
因..有名 be known as
当..有名 be known for
稍有弯曲的 curvulate
有时;间或 from time to time
与..有关 have something to do
有推动力地 impulsively
拥有;持有 in possession of
与..有关 in relation to
装有格子的 latticed
n.没有人 no one
居住;据有 occupancy
重要;有名 of consequence
很有价值的 of great value
偶尔;有时 off and on
n.所有格 possessive case
n.有效范围 AvailableIn
v. 到,有 adsum
a. 有角的 angulate
a. 有环的 annulose
a. 有刺的 barbed

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