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中文 英文
抄书 to transcribe a book
草书 script type of calligraphy
藏书 library;to collect books
背书 to commit a lesson to memory;to endorse
读书 to study
隶书 official script
看书 to read
禁书 banned book
教书 to teach
聘书 letter of appointment
念书 to read a book aloud;to study
史书 annals
情书 love letter
行书 running hand
说书 to tell stories
书僮 boy attendant in one's study or at school
书斋 study
书院 an academy of classical learning
书信 letters
书套 slipcase;book jacket
书签 bookmark
书评 book review
书名 title of a book
书楼 library
书刊 books and periodicals
书卷 books and scrolls
书经 the book of history
书架 bookshelf
书虫 bookworm
书本 book
书案 desk
书房 study
书法 calligraphy;penmanship
书记 clerk;secretary
证书 certificate
自白书 written confession
志愿书 a written application
意见书 written opinions
书画家 master in calligraphy and painting
书呆子 pedant;bookworm
授权书 letter of attorney
书记官 clerk
起诉书 indictment paper
秘书处 secretariat
教科书 textbook
黄皮书 yellow book
工具书 reference book
钉书机 stapler
保证书 letter of guaranty
白皮书 white paper

中文 英文
书桌 writing table
n.书柜 book cabinet
n.草书 cursive hand
n.草书 grass style
n.情书 love letter
n.楷书 text hand
n.书桌 writing desk
n. 六书 Hexateuch
n.罗马书 Romans
n.畅销书 best seller
v.作书目 bibliographize
n.盗书癖 bibliokleptomania
n.皮书套 book jacket
n. 书签 bookmark
n. 书签 bookmarker
n.阅书架 bookrest
n. 书商 bookseller
n. 书架 bookshelf
n. 书店 bookshop
n. 书架 bookstack
n. 书店 bookstore
n.说明书 covering letter
n.惯例书 custumal
n. 书信 epistle
n.通知书 letter of advice
n.文书盒 papeterie
n.图画书 picture book
n.委任书 power of attorney
n.免职书 walking papers
n.书写板 writing board
n.书写纸 writing pad
n.黄皮书 yellow book
n.新书样本 advance copy
n.腓力比书 Philippians
n. 传道书 Ecclesiastes
n. 约耳书 Joel
n. 书籍商 bibliopole
n.健康证书 bill of health
n.书本学习 booklore
n. 书报摊 bookstall
n. 书呆子 bookworm
n.反对证书 counterdeed
n.书生之见 eggheadedness
呈文;辩驳书 facta
n.保险证书 insurance policy
n.法律书籍 lawbook
n.到任国书 letters of credence
n. 命令书 mandamus
n.旧约全书 old testament
n. 入门书 primer

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