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中文 英文
然而 however;but;nevertheless;yet
反而 instead;on the contrary
而後 then;after that;later
而且 and;not only .. but also;moreover;furthermore
而今 at the present time;now
俄而 presently;very soon

中文 英文
简而言之 cut a long story sho
结伴而行 go along with
不言而喻 go without saying
大体而言 in principle
尽力而为 make the best of
就整体而言 as a whole
为..而战 fight for
隐而不显的 latescent
绕..而走 walk around
因..而著名 be noted for
因..而病倒 be in bed with
因..而著名 be reputed to
ad. 然而 howbeit
不仅A而且B not merely a but als
不仅..而且 not only .. but also
因B而感谢A thank a for b
为反对..而战 fight with
自..匆忙而去 hurry out of
v. 悬而未决 pend
一惊而;惊动地 with a start
宁愿..而不愿 would rather .. than
因..而声名狼籍 be notorious for
n.蒸馏而得之物 distillage
n.轻而易举之事 duck soup
总而言之;约言之 in a word
大体上;一般而言 in general
就..而论;关於 in point of
代替;而不是.. instead of
ad. 余暇,偶而 betweenwhiles
因缺乏金钱等而受窘 be hard up
n.一闪而过的东西 blue streak
n. 色淡而味薄的 claro
adv.而且;此外 further more
adj.华而不实的 gingerbready
看作轻而易举;轻视 make nothing of
adv.就物价而论 pricewise
n. 粗而坚固的短鞋 brogan
a. 由任命而充当的 appointive
a. 柔软而会粘著的 chewy
n.尽力而为;尽全力 do the best one can
n.肥胖而高大的女人 fussock
a. 曝光而不能用的 lightstruck
ad. 有时候,偶而 occasionally
adv.相反地;反而 per contra
n.圆胖而无表情的脸 pudding face
理论上说;就理论而言 theoretically speaki
一饮而尽;迅速地完成 toss off
n.不劳而获得的收入 unearned income
n.无意义而滑稽的文章 amphigouri
n.无意义而滑稽的文章 amphigory

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