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中文 英文
下巴 chin;lower jaw
躺下 to lie down
生下 born
桥下 below the bridge
落下 to fall;to drop
零下 below zero
拉下 draw down
阁下 your excellency
放下 to put down
蹲下 to squat down
殿下 your highness
地下 underground
底下 underneath;undersurface
滴下 to drop;to drip
垂下 pendency
下凡 to descend from heaven
下毒 put poison in
下唇 lower lip
下床 to get out of bed
下沉 to sink;to submerge
下场 result;conclusion;fate
下山 down the hill
下棋 to play chess
下女 maid
下锚 to cast anchor
下楼 to go downstairs
下流 depraved
下课 to dismiss class;after class
下酒 to go with wine
下降 to lower;to descend
下跪 to kneel down
下乡 to go to the countryside
下午 in the afternoon
下药 to prescribe medicine;to put in poison
下颚 lower jaw
下肢 legs;the lower limbs
下雨 to rain
以下 below
卸下 unload
向下 downward;down
坐下 to sit down
占下风 have the leeway
乡下人 countryfolk;countryman
下议院 the house of commons;the lower house
下学期 next term;the second term
下水道 sewerage;a sewer
下工夫 to devote one's efforts to
下半场 the second half of a game
地下室 basement;cellar

中文 英文
砍下 chop down
垂下 hang down
私下 in camera
私下 in private
跪下 kneel down
放下 lay down
记下 note down
撕下 tear off
写下 write down
拿下来 lift down
等一下 wait a minute
v.落下 bring down
n.下午 arvo
全部买下 buy up
走下甲板 go below
v.蹲下 hunker
n.下皮 hypoderma
n.下位 hypogyny
一气之下 in a pet
躺下休息 lie down
下锁;闭 lock up
平息下来 quiet down
n. 阁下 bahadur
阁下;先生 Mr.
n.下磨石 bedstone
v. 卸下 debus
v.下飞机 disemplane
n.双下巴 double chin
n.下坠球 drop ball
n.肠下垂 enteroptosis
n. 阁下 excellency
倒下;跪拜 fall down
离去;下车 get out
下跌;平静 go down
屈膝;跪下 go down on one's kne
n.偏下性 hyponasty
n.咽下部 hypopharynx
在控制之下 in control
阴唇;下唇 labia
v.使倒下 lay low
遗落;丢下 leave behind
记下;减价 mark down
下班;休工 off duty
n.下弦月 old moon
摘去;摘下 pick off
扔下;推倒 throw down
在控制之下 under control
n. 下唇 underlip
v. 卸下 unpack
v.见下页 vide infra

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