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中文 英文
付与 give to

中文 英文
参与 have a share in
参与 have a voice in
n.赠与 dotation
与..订婚 be engaged to
与..类似 be similar to
n.授与者 conferrer
与..相反 contrary to
与..交易 deal with
与B交换A exchange a with b
与..相爱 fall in love with
与..商谈 have a word with
与..有关 have something to do
与..有关 in relation to
与..约定 make an appointment
与..离别 part from
区分A与B tell a from b
n. 让与人 assignor
与..有交情 be on good terms wit
与人相处甚好 be in with
在A与B之间 between a and b
a. 与格的 datival
与..做生意 do business with
与..有关连 have to do with
n. 让与人 transferor
n.重要;参与 concernment
v.与..结交 consort with
与..一见如故 feel at home with
n. 采邑授与 feoffment
n.采邑授与者 feoffor
v.使与氢化合 hydrogenise
v.使与氢化合 hydrogenize
v. 赋与理智 intellectualize
v.与..相比 liken to
n.施惠与人者 obliger
v. 赋与诗意 poeticize
n. 赠与,给与 bestowal
n. 圣职授与权 advowson
v.可与..相比 commeasure
v. 分配,分与 dispenses
adj.可赠与的 donable
adj.胃与肠的 gastrointestinal
adj.胃与肺的 gastrophrenic
接上;与..结婚 hook up
与..有关;连同 in connection with
与其说A不如说B not so much a as b
与..不同;除外 other than
conj. 和,与 and
a. 与氨化合了的 ammoniated
a. 与水面齐平的 awash
n. 爱与美之女神 Aphrodite

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