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中文 英文
成行 to embark on a journey
操行 conduct
步行 to walk on foot;to walk
不行 no go;no way;not allowed
并行 to walk together;to parallel
饯行 to give a farewell party
横行 to run amuck;to run wild
航行 to sail;to fly
奉行 carry out
恶行 immoral conduct;evil doing
举行 to conduct;to hold
旅行 journey;to travel;tour
流行 popular
励行 to enforce or practice with determination
爬行 to crawl;to creep
内行 expert;professional
履行 to carry out;to fulfill
施行 to perform;to carry out
蛇行 to move like a snake
善行 good conduct
通行 to pass a go through
跳行 skip a line
试行 to try out
强行 by force
品行 behavior
现行 in force
行军 to march
行进 to march
行家 professional;expert
行迹 whereabouts
行号 store
行宫 resort palace
行船 to sail a boat
行车 to drive a vehicle
行礼 to salute
行列 rows and columns
行旅 traveller
行年 at the age of
行乞 to beg
行窃 to commit larceny;to steal
行驶 to drive
行书 running hand
行头 costumes and props for the stage
行伍 army
行销 sales
行业 trade;profession
行走 to walk
雁行 brothers;one after another
义行 act of justice;a righteous act
远行 to travel to a distant place

中文 英文
流行 be in fashion
行贿 buy off
流行 catch on
行家 cognoscente
行者 faquir
飞行 in flight
n.行 Ln
串行线 SLIP
进行中 have in hand
行乐者 holidaymaker
不流行 out of fashion
可实行的 actable
遵照行事 act upon
n.银行 banking house
排成一行 be in a line
n.同行 craft brother
继续进行 drive on
各行各业 every walk of life
结伴而行 go along with
仓促行事 go off the deep end
举行仪式 have services
自行取用 help oneself to
绝对不行 not on your life
四肢爬行 on all fours
加速行驶 pull away
继续行走 walk on
n.行鱼 walking fish
n. 行李 baggage
n.行李房 baggage office
n.报关行 customs broker
n.行李袋 duffel bag
n.旅行车 estate car
n.旅行者 farer
n. 履行 feasance
n.七行诗 heptastich
n.行车曲 marching song
n.小行星 minor planet
在度假旅行 on a vacation trip
徒步;进行 on foot
n.外行星 outer planet
n.平行规 parallel rule
n.平行规 parallel ruler
执行;实施 pursuance
n.自行车 push bike
实行;实现 put .. into practice
n.人行道 trottoir
n.换行提示 WrapPrompt
n.飞行徽章 aviation badge
n.银行贴现 bank discount
n.银行投资 bank investment

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