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中文 英文
to life;act;to rise
壮举 magnificent feat
选举 election;to elect
推举 to elect
善举 good deeds
科举 civil service examination system of old china
举重 weight lifting
举止 deportment;behavior
举行 to conduct;to hold
举手 to raise hands
举世 all over the world
举起 to raise;to lift
举目 to meet one's eyes
举家 whole family
举国 whole nation
举动 move;act
举杯 to propose a toast
此举 this move;this action;this undertaking
检举信 letter of accusation

中文 英文
举起 lift up
举行仪式 have services
n. 举止 bearing
建造;举起 put up
v. 举起 upraise
n.选举票 voting paper
召集投票选举 CFV
n.举枪致敬 present arms
n. 选举学 psephology
n.例子;举例 ensample
n.选举事务所 board of elections
v.升起;举起 heize
n.轻而易举之事 duck soup
n. 选举人名册 pollbook
n.辩驳;举反证 rebutment
n.辩驳;举反证 rebuttal
n. 投票,选举 voting
n.滑稽举动;诙谐 drollery
n. 举酱,其叶子 betel
抢劫;举起..展示 hold up
n. 举起的人,贼 lifter
看作轻而易举;轻视 make nothing of
n.美国总统选举年 presidential year
v. 反驳,举反证 rebut
n. 选择者,选举人 chooser
adj.戏剧性举动的 actorish
n. 引用,举,内转 adduction
n.选举代表所投的票 electoral vote
n.教皇选举时的侍从 conclavist
n.武侠的冒险;壮举 emprise
a. 举起的,上升的 uplifted
v. 举起,提拔,鼓舞 elevate
n. 计算,列举,细目 enumeration
n. 举动,态度,动作 comportment
adv.选举地;可选地 electively
n.汽车修理厂之举重机 auto lift
int.举杯敬酒之用语 cheers
v. 庆祝,祝贺,举行 celebrate
n.举枪;举枪时之姿势 port arms
n. 愚蠢的举动,无聊 tomfoolery
n. 微风,轻而易举的事 breeze
v. 分条缕述,详细列举 itemize
n. 举起,隆起,大变动 upheaval
adj.举止高雅的;绅士的 gentlemanlike
adj.可点数的;可列举的 enumerable
n. 壮举,功绩,技艺表演 feat
n.医生对病人的举止,态度 bedside manner
n. 有选举权的人,选举人 elector
n.举足甚近地之马;滚地球 daisy cutter
vbl. 引用,引证,举例 citing

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