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中文 英文
飞船 dirigible
帆船 a sailboat
渡船 ferry boat
登船 to take a boat
船主 shipowner;boat owner
船尾 stern
船身 the hull of a ship
船票 steamer ticket
船家 boatman
船夫 boatman;sailor
船长 captain
船板 the deck of a ship
沉船 sunken ship;a shipwreck
轮船 steamer
龙船 dragon boat
开船 to set sail;to sail out
行船 to sail a boat
托船 tug boat
上船 to embark;to board a ship
晕船 to be sea-sick
渔船 fishing boat
邮船 mail boat
划船 to paddle a boat;to row a boat
装船 to load a ship
造船厂 shipbuilding yard
海盗船 pirate ship;sea rover
修船厂 shipyard
破冰船 icebreaker
货柜船 container ship
捕鲸船 whaleboat;whaler;whaling boat

中文 英文
帆船 jalor
n. 船 boat
n.船歌 chanty
n.飞船 dirigible balloon
n.晕船 mal de mer
n.邮船 post boat
n.油船 tank ship
n.靶船 target ship
n.拖船 tug boat
n. 贩船 bumboat
n. 划船 boating
n. 船歌 chantey
n.乾船坞 dry dock
n.捕鲸船 killer boat
n.灯塔船 lightboat
n.引航船 pilot boat
n.缉私船 revenue cutter
n. 拖船 towboat
n. 拖船 tugboat
n. 系船柱 bollard
n.操船技术 boatmanship
n. 古代船 bireme
a. 空船的 bareboat
n. 水翼船 Hovercraft
n. 大商船 argosy
n.追撞船赛 bumping race
n.轻快帆船 carvel
n. 救火船 fireboat
n.漂浮船坞 floating dock
n. 碎冰船 icebreaker
n. 驳船夫 lighterman
n. 脚踏船 pedalo
n.拖网渔船 trawlboat
n. 蚀船虫 woodworm
ad. 在船底 alow
ad. 横过船 athwartships
n.船底的污水 bilge water
n. 船首斜桅 bowsprit
n.赛船;赛舟 boat race
n.有执照的船 chopboat
n.小船;小舟 dingey
n.小船;小舟 dinghy
n.小船;小舟 dingy
n.快速大帆船 dromond
n.渔舟;渔船 fisherboat
n.货船;货轮 freighter
n.旧船;废船 hulk
n.水上滑行船 hydrodrome
n.芦苇兽皮船 kufa
n.货载;装船 loading

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