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中文 英文
溯自 ever since
私自 privately;personally
独自 alone;by oneself
自大 conceited
自称 to claim
自备 to provide for oneself
自卑 to despise oneself;to underestimate oneself
自割 autotomy
自负 self-confidence;self-conceit;self-importance
自费 to pay one's own expense;at one's own expense
自觉 self-conscious;aware of self
自救 to save oneself
自己 oneself
自豪 to feel proud about;to be proud of something
自强 self-renewal
自谦 modest;self-abasement
自欺 self-deceit
自满 self-satisfied;complacent
自爱 to behave like a gentleman;self-respect
自慰 masturbation
自首 to give oneself up to the law
自修 to learn and practice by oneself
自信 self-confident
自侮 to insult oneself
自我 ego;self
自治 autonomy
自责 self-reproach
自转 rotation
自助 to help oneself
暗自 secretly;inwardly
自刭 to commit suicide by cutting the throat
自尊心 self-esteem
自主国 sovereign state
自治权 autonomy
自由化 liberalism
自由港 free port
自卫队 vigilance corps
自然美 natural beauty
我自己 myself
自留地 private plot
自耕农 peasant farmer
自动化 automation
自白书 written confession
大自然 great universe

中文 英文
独自 by oneself
自从 ever since
自首 give oneself up
亲自 in body
源自於 be derived from
来自於 be from
自动地 of oneself
感觉自在 feel at home
自行取用 help oneself to
来自体外 heterogeny
n.自主 juche
听其自然 let someone alone
不能自制 lose one's mind
n.自由 unconventionality
n.自由地 allodiality
n.自由邦 Saorstat
n. 自传 autobiography
n. 自大 bighead
n.自助餐 buffet dinner
以..自娱 delight oneself with
n. 自我 ego
自..出现 emerge from
n.自由能 free energy
n.自由式 freestyle
来自体外的 heterogenous
自我评估中 in one's own worth
n.自由党 liberal party
n.自由钟 liberty bell
n.自由帽 liberty cap
n.自由轮 liberty ship
n.自耕农 peasant proprietor
n.自行车 push bike
n.自鸣钟 repeating watch
n.自来水 tap water
n.不自私 unselfishness
v.自动更正 AutoCorrect
n.学术自由 academic freedom
n.自动催化 autocatalysis
n.自动调整 autoconditioning
a. 自生的 autogenous
n.自体移植 autograft
a. 自明的 axiomatic
n. 自助餐 buffet
n.公民自由 civil liberty
来自;出身於 come from
v.爱谈自己 egotize
n.妄自尊大 false pride
n.自由体操 free exercise
n.自由降落 free fall
n.自由形态 free form

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