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中文 英文
解剖 to dissect
解谜 answer a riddle
解渴 to quench the thirst
解决 to finish off;to tackle;to solve
解酒 to alleviate a hangover
解雇 to lay off
解放 liberalization;to free from
注解 an explanation;note;to annotate
小解 to urinate;to make water
详解 to explain in detail
误解 misunderstand
瓦解 to fall apart;to disintegrate
图解 illustration
曲解 to distort;to twist the meaning;to misinterpret
谅解 to understand and forgive
解颜 smile
解析 to analyze;analysis
解危 to head off danger
解题 to solve a problem
解说 to explain;explanation
解释 to explain;explanation
解冻 to thaw;to defrost
解除 to remove;to relieve one's duty
讲解 to explain
见解 view;opinion
调解人 a mediator
不理解 not to understand
解剖学 anatomy
解毒剂 antidote

中文 英文
解职 ease someone out
解释 make clear
解除 want out
n.解手 answer the call of n
n.和解 amicable settlement
注解请求 RFC
暂时解雇 lay off
做;了解 make out
v.误解 misapprehend
说明;解释 account for
脱去;解缆 cast off
v. 译解 decipher
v. 分解 decompose
n. 解放 disenthralment
n. 瓦解 disintegration
n.解剖室 dissecting room
n. 分解 dissolution
n.电解池 electrolytic cell
解雇;不顾 kiss off
n. 解梦 oneiromancy
v. 解开 unbuckle
v. 解除 unchain
n. 注解者 annotator
a. 解毒的 antidotal
n.淀粉分解 amylolysis
n. 能理解 apprehensibility
v.解除充血 decongest
v.解除禁运 disembargo
n.解开纠结 disentanglement
n.水解作用 hydrolysis
n. 解寄生 mistletoe
v.解开扣子 unsnap
n.解压缩软件 PKUNZIP
n.锁定/解锁 Lock/Unlock
n.难解;深奥 abstrusity
n. 解剖学家 anatomist
v.解剖;解析 anatomise
n.两性电解物 ampholyte
n.人体解剖学 anthropotomy
v.撵走;解雇 boot out
n.[解剖]池 cisterna
a. 能解释的 construable
n.分流;溶解 diffluence
v. 排解纠纷 disembroil
v.开除;解雇 disemploy
v.为..解毒 disintoxicate
n.解说;说明 eclaircissement
v.[物]电解 electrolyse
adv.以电解 electrolytically
n.释放;解放 enfranchisement

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