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中文 英文
to go;to walk;to leave
撵走 to drive someone away
慢走 good-bye
竞走 heel-and-toe walking race
疾走 to walk quickly;to run
放走 release
出走 to go away;to leave
冲走 wash away
撤走 to withdraw
诱走 lead away
行走 to walk
逃走 to run away;to flee
取走 take away
抢走 to rush-repair
走动 to walk about;to move about
走过 to walk by
走运 to enjoy a spell of good luck;lucky
走私 to smuggle;smuggling
走兽 beast
走开 get out
走进 to come in;to get into;to enter
走遍 to travel all over an area
走後门 to go in by the back door
走江湖 to live in seclusion
走钢丝 wirewalking
走错路 to go astray
齐步走 march

中文 英文
吹走 blow away
走近 be by
走了 be away
走过 go across
偷走 make away with
偷走 walk off with
走到 walk up to
n.走廊 alure
走下甲板 go below
走来走去 move about
走来走去 move around
轻轻地走 valse
继续行走 walk on
n.竞走 walking race
走失;迷路 go astray
绕..而走 walk around
n.小遁走曲 fughetta
v.去;走开 aroynt
走下坡;回去 go back
蹒跚地走;偷 mouch
n.迷走神经 pneumogastric nerve
n.游走细胞 wandering cell
n. 游走子 zoospore
v.撵走;解雇 boot out
v. 重踏著走 clomp
v.当心;走开 cheezit
n.带走;抢走 asportation
a. 遁走曲的 fugal
冻乾;逼走某人 freeze out
n.遁走风乐段 fugato
n.呼出;吹走 exsufflation
v.呼出;吹走 exsufflate
v.惊走;恐吓 gally
n.逃亡;逃走 getaway
四处走动;著手 go about
n. 军火走私 gunrunning
v. 行走过度 overwalk
突然走出;突出 pop out
在滴答声中溜走 tick away
旅客甚少走过的 untraveled
n. 迷走神经 vagus
n. 撤退,走开 evacuation
int.滚;走开 avaunt
n. 走廊,回廊 corridor
a. 适于行走的 cursorial
v. 诱拐,绑走 abduct
n.[医]走马疳 gangrenopsis
n. 军火走私者 gunrunner
[计算机] 走样 jaggies
n.走江湖卖膏药 medicine show

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