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中文 英文
立足 to have a foothold somewhere
富足 abundant;plentiful
丰足 abundant;sufficient
充足 sufficient;enough;abundance
赤足 barefoot
远足 hike;outing
手足 brothers;lanky
失足 to take a wrong step in life;to slip
涉足 to set foot in
足迹 footprint;tract
足够 enough;sufficient
跛足 lame
足趾 toe
足球队 football team
满足於 to be content with

中文 英文
足够 be sufficient for
去远足 go for an outing to
n.远足者 excursionist
补足;补偿 make for a loss
补足;拼凑 make up
补足;补偿 make up a loss
n.洗足礼 maundy
v. 使满足 gratify
n. 青足豫 greenshank
n.发音不足 hypophonia
n.分泌不足 hyposecretion
n.血氧不足 hypoxemia
n. 不足取 paltrily
n.足智多谋 resourcefulness
n.手足抽搐 tetany
n.蹼足负鼠 yapok
n. 黄足鹞 yellowlegs
n.节足动物门 arthropoda
n. 自给自足 autarky
n. 两足动物 biped
n.满足;安心 complacency
n.满足;自满 complacence
n.失足;摔倒 false step
n. 腹足动物 gastropod
满足某人的需要 meet one's need
不足为奇;难怪 no wonder
a. 鳍足类的 pinniped
n. 曝光不足 underexposure
adj.单足的 uniped
n.英国式足球 wall game
n. 双足飞龙 wivern
n. 弯脚,畸足 clubfoot
n.浴室踏足之垫 bath mat
n.英式足球联盟 association football
adj.极充足的 amplitudinous
n. 丰富,充足 abundance
n. 适当,足够 adequacy
adj.有双足的 dipode
n.腹足软体动物 gasteropod
n.血液蛋白不足 hypoproteinemia
a. 补足宾辞的 prolative
n. 假足,虚足 pseudopod
n. 假足,虚足 pseudopodium
v. 使感光不足 underexpose
n.[医]手足发绀 acrocyanosis
n.(动物的)四足 all fours
n.自给自足主义者 autarkist
n.实足年龄;实龄 chronological age
adj.血氧不足的 hypoxemic
adv.微不足道地 inappreciably

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