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中文 英文
to avert;to exempt
免役 to be exempt from taking military services
免税 tax free
免去 avoid
免罚 let-off
免得 to avoid;so as not to do
免除 to exempt
任免 to appoint and remove
难免 inevitable
免罪 acquittance
罢免 to recall;to withdraw;to cancel
黜免 to remove from office
以免 in order to avoid
赦免权 pardon power
豁免权 diplomatic immunity
免疫性 immunity

中文 英文
n.免费 free of charge
免於.. be free from
n.免烫 permanent press
免除;省却 dispense with
n. 免疫 immunization
免除;去掉 get rid of
n.赦免权 prerogative of mercy
n.免税额 tax deduction
v. 免除 waive
n.免职书 walking papers
避免;逐退 ward off
避免;使说出 get out of
n.免费之物 freebie
a. 免疫的 immune
n.免费邮递 free delivery
n.免疫分析 immunoassay
n.免疫能力 immunocompetence
n.免疫化学 immunochemistry
n.免疫化学 immunochemist
n.免疫不全 immunodeficiency
n.免疫学者 immunologist
n. 免疫学 immunology
n. 免罚宣誓 compurgation
n.外交豁免权 diplomatic immunity
n.原谅;免除 excusal
n.自动免疫性 active immunity
n.後天免疫性 acquired immunity
n.免疫遗传学 immunogenetics
n.血液免疫学 immunohematology
adj.可赦免的 absolvable
n. 免罪,赦罪 absolution
n.服役;免役税 escuage
n. 解除,免除 exemption
adj.免疫学的 immunological
n.免疫力的抑制 immunosuppression
adj.免疫化学的 immunochemical
n.饮宴;免费招待 coshery
世上没有免费的午餐 TRANSTAAFL
adj.无法避免的 avoidless
adj.免疫能力的 immunocompetent
n.抑制免疫力的药 immunosuppressant
n.[医]免疫疗法 immunotherapy
n. 收押令,免职 mittimus
n.免职书;解雇令 walking ticket
n.同种抗免疫球蛋白 allotype
adj.产生免疫性的 immunogenic
adj.血液免疫学的 immunohematological
adj.抑制免疫力的 immunosuppressive
n.开拔令;免职通知 marching orders
n. 避免,避开,逃避 avoidance

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