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中文 英文
徒刑 prison sentence;imprisonment
私刑 lynching
肉刑 corporal punishment
判刑 to hand down a sentence
临刑 just before execution
苦刑 torture
服刑 to serve a prison term
毒刑 cruel punishment
动刑 to torture
刑求 to exact confession by torture
刑警 detective;criminal police
刑罚 punishment;penalty
罪刑 penalty
重刑 heavy penalty
行刑场 execution ground
刑事罪 criminal punishment
刑事犯 criminal;criminal offender

中文 英文
n.刑法 criminal law
n.刑法 penal code
n.刑警队 vice squad
n.刑事被告 prisoner at the bar
n. 处私刑 lynching
n.刺穿;刺刑 impalement
n.酷刑;拷问 excruciation
n.延期;缓刑 respite
n.溺刑;溺死刑 noyade
n.绞首架;绞刑 gallows
n. 电刑,电死 electrocution
n. 处私刑的人 lyncher
绞刑执行者;衣架 hanger
n.长手套;夹笞刑 gantlet
n.无期徒刑之判决 life sentence
n.皮鞭(古时刑具 kourbash
n. 伦敦的行刑场 Tyburn
n.苦痛试炼;刑罚 crucifixion
n.刑事推事之职务 quaestorship
n.严刑逼供;拷问 third degree
n. 犯罪学,刑事学 criminology
n.囚禁死刑犯的牢房 condemned cell
n.拘手的刑具;束缚 manacle
a. 刑罚的,惩罚的 punitive
n. 刑罚,罚款,报应 penalty
adv.用刑罚;刑事上 penally
n. 处罚,刑罚,惩罚 punishment
adj.刑罚的;惩罚的 punitory
n.刑事专家;犯罪学者 criminalist
n.暴力政治;私刑法律 club law
n. 老资格,长期刑囚犯 longtimer
adj.应[可]判徒刑的 imprisonable
v.以尖物刺穿;处以刺刑 impale
n. 死刑执行人,刽子手 executioner
adv.刑法上;犯了罪地 criminally
n.可运输性;应处以流刑 transportability
v. 施酷刑,拷问,使苦恼 excruciate
n. 犯人,罪犯,刑事被告 culprit
n.刑事推事;主管财务官吏 quaestor
n.西班牙的绞刑具;上述绞刑 garotte
v. 处刑,宣告有罪,使不利 penalize
n.高等刑事法庭;听讼裁判庭 oyer and terminer
n.西班牙的绞刑具;上述绞刑 garrotte
adj.刑事专家的;刑事学的 criminalistic
n.浸水椅(昔日的一种刑具) ducking stool
n.死囚行刑前所住的房屋或监狱 death house
n.媒气行刑室;动物无痛屠宰场 lethal chamber
n. 无期徒刑者,终身劳役的宣告 lifer
n.丧礼时之鸣枪队;执行死刑之射击队 firing party
n.西班牙的绞刑具;上述绞刑v.绞死 garrote

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