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中文 英文
to separate;difference;to part;other;distinction;d
别离 to take leave of;separation
别号 second name;alias
别的 other
辨别 to discriminate;to distinguish
拜别 to take leave of
叙别 to bid one farewell
惜别 reluctant to part with
特别 particular;special;extraordinary
送别 to have a send-off;to see a person off
识别 to identify;to discern
区别 difference;distinction;to distinguish
派别 school
临别 at parting
决别 take leave of
挥别 wave a farewell
隔别 take leave of
告别 to take leave;to say good-bye
分别 to part;to leave;difference
别後 since departure
别针 safety pin
别墅 villa
别驴了 don't be silly

中文 英文
区别 distinguish between
区别 know .. from
区别 tell from
辨别 tell two things apar
别吹牛了 come off it
n. 区别 distinction
区别A和B distinguish a from b
与..离别 part from
n. 别墅 villa
n. 巴别塔 Babel
n. 格别鸟 Ogpu
躲避;别接近 give a wide berth
尤其;特别地 in particular
n.领带别针 tie pin
n.临别的一瞥 Parthian glance
特别地;格外地 ad hoc
a. 有区别的 distinguishing
特别努力做某事 make a special effor
n.别馆;库房 outhouse
n. 领带别针 tiepin
n.致告别辞者 valedictorian
v. 区别,差别 differentiate
n. 告别,辞别 adieux
n.首相乡间别墅 Chequers
a. 特别美味的 ambrosial
n. 丧失,死别 bereavement
n.罗马教会之别称 apostolic see
v.加以类别;分类 categorize
v.加以类别;分类 categorise
秘密地;别告诉别人 between ourselves
adj.卓别林式的 Chaplinesque
n.俄国郊外的别墅 dacha
n.可分别;辨别力 discriminability
[计算机] 判别式 discriminant
v. 区别,使显~ distinguish
adj.特别逼真的 eidetic
adv.特别逼真地 eidetically
n.豪华的特别车厢 palace car
n. 告别,告别辞 valediction
n.对比;对照之区别 contradistinction
n.维生素B6之别名 adermin
n.辨别或判别之方法 discriminance
n. 辨别者,鉴别器 discriminator
n.美国纽约州之别名 empire state
a. 特别的,特殊的 especial
n.印第安纳州之别称 hoosier state
对别人的事感到欣喜 rejoice at
a. 分别的,各自的 respective
n.悄悄离去;不辞而别 French leave
n. 梳者,梳机,梳别 comber

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