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中文 英文
to scrape;to pare;to blow
刮分 share together
刮掉 to scrape off
刮破 to cut
刮脸刀 a razor
刮胡子 to shave;to be scolded
刮胡刀 shaver

中文 英文
n.刮刀 drawshave
n.刮骨刀 xyster
n. 刮弧 parentheses
n. 刮刀 drawknife
n.囤积;搜刮 coemption
n. 刮匙,耳挖;v. 用刮匙刮 curette
n.[=curettage]刮术;刮除术 curettement
n. 爪,钩,抓伤;v. 用爪抓,搔,搜刮 claw

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