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中文 英文
to fill;to feign;to pretend;to pack;to act;clothin
男装 male costume;men's clothing
军装 uniform
戏装 theatrical costume
武装 arms
伪装 disguise;to disguise
轻装 casual clothing
乔装 to disguise
装货 to pack goods
装订 bookbinding
装船 to load a ship
装病 to feign illness
装备 to equip;equipment
便装 ordinary clothes
包装 to pack
装配 to assemble
装满 to overflow;full load;to stuff
装璜 to dress;decoration;to decorate
装载 to pack
装修 to fit up
装卸 to assemble and disassemble
装蒜 to play dumb
装束 dress
装饰 to decorate;to adorn
装傻 to act the fool
装腔 to assume a special way of talking;to pretend
装配工 an assembler;a fitter
装甲师 armored division
平装本 paperbound edition;paperback
精装本 a de luxe edition
化装室 dressing room
罐装的 canned
服装厂 a garment factory

中文 英文
装备 be equipped with
装订 bind up
包装 do up
盛装 dress up
装配 fit out
装配好 fit in
n.西装 business suit
n.精装 edition binding
装腔作势 put on airs
装反射器 reflectorize
n.装甲师 armored division
n.装甲车 armored car
v. 装饰 accessorize
n.婴儿装 babywear
n.露背装 backless costume
n.海滩装 beachwear
v. 装饰 bedck
n. 装订 bookbinding
安装;固定 build in
n.装煤站 coaling station
n.装酒壶 costrel
装饰薄木板 crossbanding
v. 装饰 decorate
n. 嫁装 dowry
n.化装箱 dressing case
安排;装置 fix up
n.库塔装 khurta
装有格子的 latticed
透露;假装 let on
n.装载量 loadage
v. 装病 malinger
n. 装病 malingery
n.孕妇装 maternity dress
n.包装者 packager
n.阻特装 zoot suit
n.装甲部队 armored forces
n. 装钟匠 bellhanger
装入瓶中控制 bottle up
a. 瓶装的 bottled
n.童装套头 boy's suit
n.包装工人 coverer
以..来装饰 decorate with
n.纹章装饰 emblazonment
n.浮雕装饰 emblema
n.装箱;套 encasement
n.化装舞会 fancy ball
n.化装舞会 fancy dress ball
v.装上羽毛 fletch
n.全皮装钉 full binding
n.装箱;箱 incasement

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