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中文 英文
to support;to provide for;to keep;to educate
静养 to have a good rest
教养 education;to educate
抚养 to raise;to bring up
扶养 to support;to bring up
蓄养 to raise;to foster;to rear
修养 accomplishment mastery;self-cultivation
休养 to recuperate;to have a rest
饲养 to raise;to breed;to rear
养老 to provide for the aged
养活 to support
养分 nutrient
营养 nutrition
养子 an adopted son;a foster son
养殖 cultivation
养育 to raise and educate;to rear
养鸟 to keep pet birds
培养 to raise;to cultivate
有修养 cultivated
有教养 cultivated
疗养院 sanatorium
养乐多 yoghurt
养蚕所 cocoonery
赡养费 alimony
保养费 maintenance cost

中文 英文
n.养蜂 beekeeping
移地疗养 change of air
养育;提出 bring up
n.养蜂女 beemistress
n.养鸭场 duckery
n.休养地 health resort
n. 养鱼 pisciculture
n.养殖珍珠 cultured pearl
n. 缺养症 anoxia
n. 养老金 annuities
n. 养蜂家 beemaster
n. 养蜂人 beekeeper
n.卧床休养 bed rest
n. 养蚕所 cocoonery
n.营养失调 dystrophy
n.胚胎营养 embryotrophy
n.养老保险 endowment insurance
n. 养鸡场 hennery
n.不是自养 heterotrophy
n.营养学家 nutritionist
a. 养鱼的 piscicultural
n. 养鱼家 pisciculturist
n.营养不良 undernourishment
n.养猫的处所 cattery
n.有盖培养皿 Petri dish
n.飞禽饲养家 aviarist
n.胚胎营养素 embryotroph
n.超营养作用 eutrophication
养成..之习惯 fall into the habit
n.鸵鸟饲养场 ostrich farm
n.牡蛎之养殖 oyster culture
n.家禽饲养所 poultry farm
a. 收养关系的 adoptive
n.培养基;养料 culture medium
n.养鱼;养鱼法 fish culture
n.养狗场管理员 kennelmaster
养保工人;巡道员 lineman
n. 微量营养素 micronutrient
n.[医]营养学 nutriology
n.养鱼池;浴池 piscina
v. 扶起,养育 uprear
n. 动物饲养所 vivarium
n.养牛区中之小镇 cow town
n. 领受养老金者 annuitant
v. 养肥,使肥胖 fatten
adj.不是自养的 heterotrophic
n.没有教养;粗野 ill breeding
n. 海洋生物养殖 mariculture
adj.神经营养的 neurotrophic
n.疗养处;疗养院 rest home

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