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中文 英文
power;strength;force;ability;earnestly;to do all o
吃力 heavy;burdensome
兵力 troops;armed forces
弹力 elasticity
磁力 magnetic force;magnetism
角力 to wrestle;wrestling
极力 with one's utmost strength
火力 firepower
活力 vigor;energy
力学 mechanics
暴力 violence;brute force
电力 electric power
魄力 daring and resolution;boldness
努力 to work hard;to make efforts
能力 ability;capability
耐力 staying power
魔力 magic power
全力 all-out effort;with all one's effort
权力 power;authority
效力 effective;effect;efficacy;to offer service
悉力 with all one's strength
武力 force of arms;military force
无力 powerless;weak
腕力 strength of wrist
听力 comprehension;hearing
视力 vision;sight
省力 labor-saving
有力 emollient
用力 to make an effort
应力 stress
引力 gravitation
眼力 eyesight
压力 pressure
致力 to devote oneself to
智力 intelligence
助力 help;assistance
魅力 charm;enchantment;attractiveness
有毅力 determinate
协力车 tandem bicycle
生命力 vitality
人力车 a rickshaw
说服力 persuasion;persuasiveness
视力计 optometer
亲和力 affinity
巧克力 chocolate
摩擦力 friction
磨擦力 friction
抵抗力 power of resistance
静力学 statics
接力赛 relay

中文 英文
努力 make an effort
尽全力 do one's best
全力以赴 all out
诉诸武力 appeal to arms
n.分力 component of forces
n.合力 composition of force
竭力反对 kick against
n.磁力 magnetic force
尽力而为 make the best of
n.体力 physical force
n.体力 physical strength
n.张力 tensile force
竭力;尽力 as best one can
n.拉力柱 Lally
..的能力 ability for
n.吸附力 adsorbability
n.倍力桥 bailey bridge
致力於.. be devoted to
专心致力於 bind up in
n. 智力 brains
n.购买力 buying power
n.反引力 counterpull
专心致力於 dedicate oneself to
n. 效力 effectiveness
努力;竭力 exert oneself
n. 火力 firepower
n.握力计 hand dynamometer
n. 马力 horsepower
有推动力地 impulsively
n. 人力 manpower
n.回力球 pelota
n.光力学 photodynamics
n.压力计 pressure gauge
n.生产力 productiveness
n.购买力 purchasing power
n.张应力 tensile stress
精疲力竭的 wiped out
n.智力测验 alpha test
n. 听力计 acoumeter
n.腓力比书 Philippians
n.大气压力 atmospheric pressure
n.听力检查 audio acuity
n.听力测定 audiometrist
n.天体力学 celestial mechanics
n. 巧克力 chocolate
n. 反压力 counterpressure
n.火力掩护 covering fire
n.暴力殴打 criminal assault
n.赚钱能力 earning power
n.思考能力 elaborative faculty

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