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中文 英文
armed forces
盟军 allied forces
劳军 to cheer or entertain troops
空军 air-force
军装 uniform
军政 military government
军营 barrack
军医 military surgeon
军校 military academy
军团 army
军事 military affairs
军师 military advisor
军人 soldier
军情 military information
军票 military note
军粮 military food supply
军礼 military salute
军舰 warship
军机 military plane;military secret
将军 general;to embarrass
建军 to build up military forces
季军 the second runner-up
红军 red army
冠军 champion;outstanding person
敌军 enemy troops;hostile force
充军 exile
撤军 withdraw troops
军方 military
军阀 military cast
军官 officer
军港 naval base
三军 armed forces
英军 british forces
亚军 runner-up;winner of second prize in contests
行军 to march
幼童军 cub scouts
十字军 crusaders
娘子军 team or group of women;army made up of women
军分区 a military sub-area
军刀机 saber-jet
革命军 revolutionary forces
军火库 arsenal

中文 英文
n.军长 army corps commander
n.军团 army corps
n.陆军 land forces
n.军费 war fund
n.陆军节 army day
n.童军节 boy scout day
n. 军营 barback
n. 裁军 disarmament
n.军舰鸟 frigate bird
n.现役军人 active army
n.军备竞赛 arms race
n.军用飞机 avion
n.海军上士 chief petty officer
溜出敌军阵地 exfiltrate
溜出敌军阵地 exfiltration
n.陆军元帅 field marshal
n.海军中尉 jaygee
n.後备军人 landwehr
n.海军少校 lieutenant commander
n.陆军中将 lieutenant general
n.陆军少将 major general
兵器;军需品 ordnance
n.预备军官 reserve officer
n.技术军士 technical sergeant
n.海军中将 vice admiral
n. 军用机 warplane
n.军团司令官 army commander
n.陆海空三军 armed forces
n.盟军;联军 allied forces
n. 军用驮马 bathorse
n.使者;军曹 chiaus
n.陆军军士长 first sergeant
n. 军火走私 gunrunning
n.海军医务兵 hospitalman
n.物料;军品 materiel
n.海军抓兵队 press gang
最初级的童子军 tenderfeet
n.女从军商人 vivandiere
n.军用细长气球 balloonkite
n. 兵舍,军营 billet
n.[军队]前卫 advance guard
n. 反军国主义 antimilitarism
n. 军火,弹药 ammunition
n.陆军校级军官 field officer
n.三桅帆装军舰 galleass
n.陆军总司令部 general headquarters
n.空军五星上将 general of the air f
n.女童子军队员 girl scout
n. 军火走私者 gunrunner
n. 陆军士官长 havildar

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