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中文 英文
目击 to witness
拦击 to intercept and attack
夹击 attack from both sides
击中 to hit
击伤 to injure;to wound;to damage
击落 to shoot down
击剑 fencing
击倒 to knock down
击沉 to sink
击败 to defeat
攻击 to assault;to assail;to attack;to accuse
痛击 to batter;to trounce
抨击 to assail;to attack
炮击 to bombard;to shell
追击 to pursue and attack
游击战 guerrilla warfare
突击队 commando unit
拍击器 metronome
目击者 witness;eyewitness

中文 英文
击退 beat back
击退 drive off
n.重击 body blow
n.反击 counterblow
n.反击 counterpunch
n.突击艇 assault craft
v. 攻击 assail
n. 拳击 boxing
v. 炮击 bombard
n.拳击界 fistiana
攻击;著手 go at
n. 拳击 pugilism
敲击出;扑灭 beat out
击倒;使狼狈 bowl over
n.拳击手套 boxing glove
n.打击位置 batter's box
n. 攻击者 assailant
n.协同攻击 coordinated attack
a. 拳击的 fistic
n.正面攻击 frontal attack
n. 游击队 guerrilla
n.上衣;击 jacketing
v.击倒在地 lay flat
n.打击乐器 percussion instrumen
n. 拳击家 pugilist
n.拳击规则 queensberry rules
n. 狙击兵 yager
n.趋向;撞击 appulsion
n.趋向;撞击 appulse
n.攻击;痛骂 assailment
n.侵袭;袭击 chappow
n.突击队队员 commanddoman
n.反击;还击 counterstroke
n.突击;奇袭 coup de main
劈啪的一声击下 crack down
n. 电击疗法 electroshock
n.剑术;击剑 escrime
v.撞击;惊扰 feeze
n.一击;一掌 fisticuff
n.撞击;敲打 percussion
n.职业拳击赛 prize fight
n. 飞靶射击 trapshooting
n.殴打;击败 walloping
n.射击目标区 zone of fire
n.拳击体重等级 boxing weights
a. 不断攻击的 besetting
a. 反手拍击的 backhanded
n.打击率;表现 batting average
n. 致命的打击 deathblow
攻击;尽力想求得 go for

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