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中文 英文
保守 conservative
保释 to bail
保全 to assure the safety of
保姆 baby-sister;children's nurse
保留 with reservation;to retain;to reserve
保健 health protection;health care
保存 to preserve;to maintain
保藏 to preserve
保卫 to defend to guard against
保育 to raise a child
担保 to guarantee
承保 to accept insurance
保镳 bodyguard
保重 to look after oneself;please take good care
环保局 environmental protection bureau
保证书 letter of guaranty
保证金 security deposit;guaranty money
保养费 maintenance cost
保险箱 bank's vault
保险丝 fuse
保险库 safe deposit vault
保险法 insurance law
保温杯 thermos cup
保水险 marine insurance
保护色 protective coloration
保护区 conservation area
保护层 clearance
保管员 storeman
保管费 storage fee
保存物 conservative

中文 英文
保证 vouch for
n.劳保 labor insurance
保持均衡 librate
n.保姆 nurserymaid
n.保龄球 bowls
n.保证金 caution money
n. 酒保 bartender
n. 保罗 Paul
n.保守党 Conservative party
承诺;保证 give one's word
n.保险费 insurance premium
n.保龄球 tenpin bowling
v. 担保 vouch
n.保证人 warrantor
n.保加利亚 Bulgaria
n.保龄球场 bowling alley
n. 保龄球 bowling
n.保税仓库 bonded warehouse
n.保付支票 certified check
n.替人作保 cautionry
n.养老保险 endowment insurance
v.珍惜保藏 entreasure
n.火灾保险 fire insurance
保持低温房间 frigidaria
n. 保证人 guarantor
n.健康保险 health insurance
n.医疗保险 hospitalization insu
n. 保险杆 humper
n.保险公司 insurance agent
n.保险证书 insurance policy
n.人寿保险 life assurance
n.海上保险 marine insurance
n.医疗保险 medicare
v. 再保险 reinsure
n.运输保险 transportation insur
n. 保险业 underwriting
n. 保证人 warranter
n. 共同保险 coinsurance
n.保护动物者 bestiarian
n.断言;保证 avouchment
a. 可保证的 assurable
n.摇篮;保育 cradling
n. 环保人士 environmentalist
n.火灾保险单 fire policy
保持沈默;肃静 hold one's tongue
n.男仆;保镖 houseman
n. 担保契约 hypothecation
a. 可保险的 insurable
n. 保险公司 insurer
毫不保留地诉说 let it all hang out

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