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中文 英文
卖方 seller;selling party
买卖 transaction
竞卖 public auction
贩卖 to sell;to peddle
卖主 to betray one's boss;seller
卖艺 to perform acrobatics for a living
卖完 to sell out
卖命 to work oneself to the bone;to die for
转卖 to resell
义卖 charity sale
赊卖 credit sales
做买卖 to keep a shop;to be in trade
拍卖场 mart
卖国奴 traitor

中文 英文
拍卖 auction off
v.卖弄 hotdog
v. 私卖 bootleg
经售;贩卖 do business in
手套贩卖商 glover
获得专卖权 monopolise
n.买空卖空 fictitious transacti
n.拍卖会场 bidding block
n.定期买卖 timebargain
n.通敌;卖国 collaborationism
n.自动贩卖机 coin machine
变卖财产;兑现 cash in
n.欺骗;出卖 double cross
n. 书籍贩卖 bookselling
n.女叫卖贩子 hucksteress
n.行商;叫卖 pedlary
n. 卖馅饼商 pieman
v.出售;叫卖 vend
n.自动贩卖机 vending machine
n.卖苹果之女人 applewife
n.冷落;卖座少 absent treatment
v. 出卖,背叛 betray
n.卖鱼女;渔妇 fishfag
n.走江湖卖膏药 medicine show
v. 再卖,转售 resell
n.卖主;售卖者 vender
n. 贩卖,销售 vendition
n.卖淫行为;淫妇 harlotry
n.火灾物品大拍卖 fire sale
n.沿街叫卖之小贩 barrowman
n.卖报童;送报童 paper boy
n.水果,鱼叫卖小贩 costermonger
v. 销售过多,卖空 oversell
n. 公开拍卖,拍卖 vendue
n.旧衣商;买卖旧衣者 fripper
adv.卖力地;忙碌地 hoppingly
adj.卖力的;忙碌的 hopping
n. 拍卖;v. 拍卖 auction
n. 女帽制造,贩卖商 milliner
n.买卖无效;原货退回 redhibition
n.同业卖价;批发价格 trade price
n.轰动的成功;大卖座 wow
n.水果[鱼类]叫卖小贩 coster
n. 书籍贩卖,珍本贩卖 bibliopoly
n.猥亵行为或言辞;卖淫 bawdry
n. 拍卖人;v. 拍卖 auctioneer
n. 水果商,卖水果的人 fruiterer
n.(义卖时之)杂物拍卖 jumble sale
a. 可买卖的,有销路的 merchantable
n.两家卖主垄断市场的局面 duopoly

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