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中文 英文
说到 to speak of;to mention
说错 speak amiss
说穿 to put it bluntly;to reveal
难说 difficult to say
略说 to say briefly
据说 it is said;allegedly
解说 to explain;explanation
说客 a lobbyist;a spokesman
说谎 to tell a lie
说合 to bring two or more parties together
说完 to finish speaking
说书 to tell stories
说情 to apologize;to intercede for somebody
说破 to reveal by some remarks
游说 canvass;stump
演说 lecture;speech
叙说 to describe;to narrate
小说 novel
瞎说 to talk rubbish;irresponsible talk
说法 a way of saying a thing;a version
说得好 well-said
说笑话 to jest;to joke
说明文 exposition
说梦话 to talk in sleep
说服力 persuasion;persuasiveness

中文 英文
胡说 ballocks
胡说 bollocks
说服 prevail on
老实说 be frank with you
不用说 it goes without sayi
说实话 tell the truth
就大体说 all things considere
忍住不说 bite one's tongue
一般来说 generally speaking
虽说不上 not to say
说明;解释 account for
n. 胡说 bullshit
n.说明书 covering letter
详细说明者 elaborator
n.冰河说 glacier theory
n. 胡说 kibosh
n. 概说 prevue
说谎;撒谎 tell a lie
n. 人智说 anthroposophy
n.原子学说 atomic theory
拐弯抹角地说 beat about the bush
使觉醒;说服 bring round
v.使小说化 fictionalize
n.小说作家 fictioneer
n.小说写作 fictioneering
避免;使说出 get out of
n. 说教术 homiletics
对..说实话 level with
n. 说谎者 liar
从来没听说过 never heard of it
n.中篇小说 nouvelle
n.拉马克学说 Lamarckism
n.膨胀;细说 dilatation
n.膨胀;细说 dilation
n.解说;说明 eclaircissement
n.机械行为说 epiphenomenalism
v. 详细说明 expound
n.四海一家说 globalism
听说;接到消息 hear about
n.太阳中心说 heliocentricism
n.胡说;谎话 horseshit
a. 均衡说的 isostatic
更不必说;遑论 let alone
毫不保留地诉说 let it all hang out
更加;更不用说 much more
n.新闻解说者 news analyst
说教者;说教的 predicant
v.改说;取消 recant
v.提到;说起 refer to
n.天律不变说 uniformitarianism

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