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中文 英文
mistake;to err
贻误 cause disruption
延误 to delay
误用 to misuse;to misapply
误食 to eat by mistake
误杀 unintentional homicide
误认 to identify incorrectly
误解 misunderstand
误服 to take the wrong medicine
误导 mislead
错误 fault;mistake
勘误表 errata

中文 英文
勘误表 corrigenda
v.误解 misapprehend
v. 误算 miscalculate
n. 错误 inaccuracy
错误;不对 be in the wrong
a. 错误的 erroneous
n.准确无误 acoup sur
n.判断错误 misjudgment
v.错误引用 misquote
n.轻摇;失误 bobble
n.误用;滥用 misapplication
n.无罪;无误 impeccance
n.误解;误会 misconception
v.失败;误投 miscarry
n.失败;误投 miscarriage
v.误称;辱骂 miscall
n.误算;估错 miscalculation
n.失误;过失 lapsus
n.误会;曲解 misconstruction
v.误解;曲解 misconstrue
v.听错;误听 mishear
v.误传;误服 misinform
n.误报;误传 misinformation
v.曲解;误译 misinterpret
n.误译;曲解 misinterpretation
v.误导;迷惑 mislead
v.误放;遗忘 misplace
n.误放;遗忘 misplacement
n.错误;作错 misplay
v.误拼;拼错 misspell
v.译错;误译 mistranslate
n.误用;虐待 misusage
一定地;无误地 without fail
n.不正确;错误 incorrectness
n. 虚伪,错误 falsity
n.大错误;错失 boner
n.错误;勘误表 corrigendum
n. 误会,误解 misunderstanding
武士修练的;错误的 errant
n.流浪;误入歧途 divagation
[计算机] 讹误的 corrupted
v.指导错误;写错 misdirect
v.误用;应用不当 misemploy
v.叫错名字;误称 misname
v.读错;解释错误 misread
v.说错;发音错误 misspeak
n.用词错误;不适当 impropriety
n. 错误,虫,病菌 bug
n.发音不正确;误音 cacoepy
adj.可证明为误的 disprovable

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