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中文 英文
待发 to be ready to depart
打发 to dispatch;to send away
触发 to trigger;to touch off
发愁 to get worried
发财 to make a fortune
发病 to fall ill
拨发 transfer
颁发 to bestow;to award
发呆 to stare blankly
发愤 to struggle for
发奋 to struggle for
发抖 to shiver
发光 to illuminate
发给 to issue;to give
发货 to make shipment
发昏 faint
发慌 to be upset
发霉 to get mildewed
发令 to issue orders;to command
发楞 to stare blankly
发狂 to go mad
发觉 to discover;to realize
发掘 to unearth;to uncover
发动 to start;to launch
发票 invoice
发现 to discover
发问 to raise a question
发酸 to turn sour
发誓 to swear
发生 to take place;to happen
发声 to give off sound
发射 to launch;to fire
发球 to serve a ball
发言 to speak;to utter
发扬 to add glory to
发音 to pronounce
发育 to grow up
发晕 to feel dizzy
发作 to have a fit of anger;to break out
分发 to hand out;to distribute
奋发 to revitalize;to reinvigorate
复发 to recur
挥发 to volatilize;to evaporate
激发 to stimulate;to arouse;excitation
批发 to wholesale
启发 to enlighten;to arouse
签发 to issue
散发 to circulate;to distribute
抒发 to give expression to;to express
发行者 a publisher

中文 英文
发现 catch out
发现 find out
发缨 frisette
发出 give off
分发 hand out
分发 hand round
激发 make one tick
触发 trigger off
发展 work out
突然发作 burst forth
n.发烧 febricity
n.发烧 febris
发出声音 make a sound
发狂;失神 beside oneself
开花;发展 blossom out
发现;揭发 bring to light
爆发;突然 burst out
发表;宣布 come out with
掘出;发掘 dig up
n.发电机 electrical machine
n.蒸发皿 evaporating dish
n.蒸发计 evaporimeter
争吵;发生 fall out
发出;发散 give forth
n.暴发户 nouveau riche
n.暴发户 nouveau riches
发狂;疯狂 out of mind
n. 假发 peruke
诱发;鼓励 place a premium on
n.发电站 power station
n.连发枪 repeating rifle
透露;揭发 revealment
n.发报机 telegraph transmitte
n.发酵粉 yeast powder
n.发酵病 zymotic disease
发射辅助火箭 RATO
v. 发生于 betide
a. 金发的 blond
n.大发雷霆 blow one's top
引起;使发生 bring about
n.皮肤发炎 chafing
发货人;货主 consigner
n. 卷发纸 curlpaper
n. 发现者 discoverer
n.发育不良 hypogenesis
n.发音不足 hypophonia
n. 特发症 idiopathy
吟唱;发音调 intonate
发音调;吟诵 intone
n. 发明家 inventor

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