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中文 英文
变乱 rebellion;insurrection
变节 to desert;to betray
变幻 to fluctuate
变坏 to get worse
变化 to change
变更 to modify;to change;to alter
变动 change;alternation
变得 become
蜕变 to undergo transformation
突变 mutation
事变 incident
善变 changeable;capricious
改变 to alter;alteration;to change
兵变 mutiny
变卦 to change one's mind
变种 variety
变音 umlaut
变心 to cease to be faithful;to jilt a lover;to turn a
变通 to adapt oneself to;to accommodate
变速 to change in speed
变声 to change voice
变色 to change color;to become angry
转变 to change;to shift
性变态 sex perversion
变魔术 perform magic
变形虫 amoeba

中文 英文
改变成 change over
n.脑变 brainstorm
改变主意 change one's mind
改变主意 come round to
n.共变 covariation
逐渐变乾 dry out
地层变位 heterotaxis
地层变位 heterotaxy
n.变形 transmogrification
v. 改变 alter
转变为.. be transformed into
v. 变得 became
v.使变脆 embrittle
地层变位的 heterotactic
a. 改变的 alterant
n.变形细胞 amoebocyte
n. 可变性 changeability
n. 变速杆 gearlever
n.变态过度 hypermetamorphosis
n. 不变更 invar
n.动词变化 verbal inflection
n.变态;变则 anomalism
n. 母音变换 ablaut
变卖财产;兑现 cash in
n.新生性变态 cenogenesis
a. 可改变的 changeable
a. 格变化的 declinable
n.象牙质变性 eburnation
v.使变成燧石 flintify
n. 变速排档 gearshift
ad. 不变地 immutably
n.跳动;易变 jumpiness
n.慢速变化球 knuckle ball
n.变狼狂患者 lycanthrope
使..变成可能 make possible
n.永久;不变 permanence
v.变更;互换 permute
v. 变更旅程 reroute
n. 互变异性 tautomerism
a. 可变形的 transmutable
a. 无变化的 unchanged
n.天律不变说 uniformitarianism
adj.变化的 vicissitudinary
n.急转;急变 zag
n.急转;急变 zig
n. 变酒酵素 zymase
adj.不变形的 ametabolic
n.淀粉样变性病 amyloidosis
a. 似变形虫的 amoeboid
n. 变更,改造 alteration

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