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中文 英文
摘取 to select
袭取 to capture
听取 to listen to
收取 to accept;to receive
取走 take away
取悦 to please;to amuse
取胜 to win a victory
取闹 to raise hell
取乐 to seek pleasure;to be entertained
取法 to learn after;to follow the example of
取缔 to crack down;to prohibit
取出 take out of
取材 to make use of;to draw the materials from
谋取 to try to obtain
略取 to take by force
捞取 to fish for
可取 desirable
攫取 to seize;to grab
进取 to be enterprising;to forge ahead
记取 to remember;to keep in mind
汲取 to draw;to get
换取 to exchange;to change
搏取 to catch;to seize
博取 to gain;to obtain

中文 英文
取笑 jest with
取消 write off
v.夺取 accroach
自行取用 help oneself to
争取过来 win over
继承;取得 come into
除去;取消 cross off
n.取消组 Ungroup
取得;到达 arrive at
嘲弄;取笑 make fun of
v. 盗取 purloin
n. 取消 recision
n.存取时间 access time
n.取暖电毯 heating pad
n.不能取消 noncancelability
n. 不足取 paltrily
n.可取之处 redeeming feature
v. 拿,取 took
n.取得;习得 acquirement
v.擅取;僭称 arrogate
n.取得;获得 acquest
v.蒸馏;抽取 distil
n.剥夺;夺取 divestment
n.滤取;滤去 leaching
n.无效;取消 nullification
n.驱逐;夺取 ouster
v. 以计取胜 outfox
v.改说;取消 recant
n.取回;领回 recaption
v.取回;送还 reconvey
n.取回;送还 reconveyance
v.缩回;取消 retract
v.取消;撤回 unspeak
v. 取出内脏 viscerate
n. 废除,取消 annulment
以取代连续卷动" OS每次显示一屏信息
v. 取下离合器 declutch
n.进取心;气概 gumption
v. 逐出,夺取 oust
v.以先买权取得 preempt
n. 汇款领取人 remittee
n. 取回,恢复 repossession
v. 取消,撤回 unsay
v. 取消,使无效 disannul
n.取火镜;凸透镜 burning glass
n.取向附生;外延 epitaxy
v.将器官由腹取出 exteriorize
n.煤气炉;取暖炉 gas fire
n.中途夺取;拦截 interception
v.取名;给予称号 intitle

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