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中文 英文
过节 observe a festival
调节 to adjust;to regulate
变节 to desert;to betray
环节 link
节录 to excerpt;to summarize
节令 festival
节俭 frugal;frugality;thrifty
节哀 to restrain grief
节奏 tempo;rhythm
节约 to conserve;to save
节译 abridged translation
节食 to go on diet
节省 to conserve;to save
节气 seasonal periods
情节 plot
名节 reputation and integrity
礼节 etiquette
细节 details
脱节 to be disjointed;to lose contact;out of keeping wi
守节 to preserve chastity after the death of her husban
屈节 to forfeit the honor
音节 syllable
志节 one's aspiration and moral fortitude
有过节 have grudge
音乐节 music day
耶诞节 christmas
情人节 valentine's day
劳工节 labor day
节目表 programme;playbill
教师节 the teacher's day
护士节 nurse's day
光复节 restoration day
关节炎 arthritis
骨节痛 gout
感恩节 thanksgiving day
父亲节 father's day
儿童节 children's day
端午节 dragon boat festival

中文 英文
腿节 femora
n.体节 arthromere
在此季节 at this season
n.节育 birth control
杵臼关节 enarthroses
圣灵降临节 Pentecost
n.驱鬼节 Lemuralia
n.耶诞节 Christmas day
n.愚人节 april fool's day
n.愚人节 april fools' day
n.植树节 arbor day
n.陆军节 army day
n.关节学 arthrology
n.关节病 arthropathy
n.调节墙 baffler
n.童军节 boy scout day
n.儿童节 children's day
n.闭音节 closed syllable
n.圣体节 corpus christi
砍倒;删节 cut down
鞭节;鞭毛 flagella
n.膝关节 knee joint
n. 节孔 knothole
n.元宵节 lantern festival dum
n. 体节 metamere
n. 冬节 potlatch
n. 节片 proglottis
n.教师节 teacher's day
n.感恩节 thanksgiving day
n. 复活节 Easter
n. 圣烛节 Candlemas
n. 升天节 Ascensiontide
n. 万圣节 Allhallows
a. 节制的 abstemious
n.丛和关节 amphiarthrosis
n. 关节炎 arthritis
n.分节孢子 arthrospore
节奏不和谐的 cacorhythmic
n. 圣诞节 christmas
v.相互调节 coadjust
n. 十音节 decasyllable
n.节肢动物 diplopod
n.复活节日 easter sunday
n.节目表演 floor show
n. 节,瘤 gnarl
n. 瘤,节 knar
n.跋;末节 l'envoi
n. 节拍器 metronome
n. 五音节 pentasyllable
n.肘节开关 toggle switch

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