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中文 英文
免得 to avoid;so as not to do
觉得 to feel;to think
获得 to obtain;to win
得罪 to displease;to offend
得意 to be complacent
得手 to succeed
得失 gain and loss
得救 to be saved
得道 achieve wisdom
得宠 to be favored
晓得 to be aware of;to know
所得 income
变得 become
应得 deserved;due
只得 there is no alternative but to
怎见得 how;why
要不得 useless
行得通 it works
说得好 well-said
使不得 impermissible;cannot be used
去不得 you should not go
不见得 not likely;not necessarily
不得已 to have to
不得了 disastrous;impending
不得不 to have to;must;cannot but
得人心 to be popular

中文 英文
值得 worth while
不得不 be obliged to
认得路 find one's way
跟得上 keep up with
得其所哉 do one's thing
玩得愉快 have a good time
得到消息 hear from
继承;取得 come into
得到;接受 come in for
v. 变得 became
n.不值得 be beneath
取得;到达 arrive at
v. 获得 acquire
过得很愉快 have a wonderful tim
获得专卖权 monopolise
n.得奖者 prize winner
贪得无餍地 voraciously
恢复;夺得 win back
n. 得卡尔 decare
n.值得一听 listenability
遵守;配得上 live up to
遭遇到;得到 meet with
n. 得奖人 prizeman
n.取得;习得 acquirement
n.取得;获得 acquest
不值得快乐之事 cold comfort
讨厌;不得人缘 disfavour
a. 难获得的 unobtainable
a. 看得见的 visible
值得的;应得的 worthy of
a. 爬得上去的 climbable
n. 布尔得利亚 bullterrier
v. 出现,显得 appear
n. 修西得底斯 Thucydides
v. 打扮得时髦 dandify
n.蒸馏而得之物 distillage
n. 所得,收入 earnings
adj.想得到的 gettable
攻击;尽力想求得 go for
长得太高大;戒除 grow out of
v.比..吃得多 outeat
n.个人平均所得 per capita income
v.以先买权取得 preempt
v. 记得,记忆 remember
int.唷;要得 zowie
n. 诺贝尔得奖人 Nobelist
n. 麦得斯大富王 Midas
a. 亚得里亚海的 Adriatic
adj.春风得意的 beamish

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