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中文 英文
to join;to unite;to connect;including;to link;in s
连长 company commander
连忙 at once;promptly;immediately
连累 to involve
毗连 to adjoin
连续 continuous;successive
株连 to involve others in a criminal case
心连心 hearts are joined as one
连锁店 chain store
连接词 conjunction

中文 英文
一连串 a succession of
接连地 in succession
n.连长 company commander
n.连接 connexion
连接部分 pontes
n. 连锁 catenation
n.连桌椅 chair desk
n.黄连雀 cedarbird
n.舌黏连 ankyloglossia
n.连钱草 ground ivy
v. 连结 interlink
连接;结合 join together
n.连络官 liaison officer
连接;会合 link up
n.连发枪 repeating rifle
以胶带连接 tape together
连接;配合 tie in
n.连衫裤 union suit
一连串的竞赛 a series of contests
将..连起来 connect .. with
n. 连续性 continuity
n.连续光谱 continuous spectrum
n.连续记号 dal segno
与..有关连 have to do with
n. 连理草 vetchling
n.让步连接词 concessive conjuncti
n.基阿连山脉 Kjolen
n.巴德连奴酒 Bardolino
n.接近;相连 appropinquity
adj.连接的 annectent
n.接近;毗连 adjacence
n.邻接;毗连 abuttal
n.连环图画纸 comic paper
n.连环图画册 comic book
adv.连续地 consecutively
n.反意连接词 disjunctive conjunct
n.连毛鹿皮靴 finnesko
n.连累;控告 incrimination
v. 互相连接 interconnect
n. 互相连络 interconnection
v. 相互关连 interrelate
n.连累;包含 involvement
n.连接;接缝 joining
adj.陆连的 landtied
n.连接;连锁 nexus
v. 连根拔起 uproot
a. 两党连合的 biparty
n.[化]黄连素 berberine
n. 连锁,连续 catena
v. 邻接,毗连 abut

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