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中文 英文
proper;fit;suitable;right;well;comfortable;to purs
舒适 comfortable;pleasant;cosy
适用 suitable;applicable
适宜 suitable;fit
安适 comfortable
相适应 to be in step with each other
合适的 suitable

中文 英文
合适 be becoming to
适合 adapt to
适配器 adapters
适用於 be the same with
合适的 be suitable for
适合於 be fit for
适合担任 be cut out for
适合;合适 be in keeping with
对..适合 be appropriate for
n.适配器 adapter
配称;适合 becoming to
n.广适性 eurytopicity
真实;适用 hold true
n.不适当 inadequateness
n.不适用 inapplicability
a. 适合的 adapted
n. 适应性 adaptability
a. 适当的 appropriate
n.适合耕种 arability
v. 适合于 beseem
v.使不适应 disadapt
在适当的时机 in due course
adv.适当地 appropriately
n.适当;巧合 aproposity
非常适合的工作 bed of roses
n.舒适;安逸 cosiness
n.恰当;适合 felicitousness
n.适合;适用 idoneity
n.适合;适用 idoneousness
adv.适切地 pertinently
n.节制;适度 temperateness
n.合时;适时 timeliness
a. 不适合的 unbecoming
a. 不适合的 unsuitable
n. 适当,足够 adequacy
v. 授予,适用 bestow
n. 适合,一致 congruency
a. 适于行走的 cursorial
n. 适任,合格 eligibility
n.适当;适切性 fitness
a. 适于步行的 gressorial
adv.不适当地 inadequately
adv.不适切地 inappositely
adv.不适当地 inappropriately
n.极舒适的地方 lubberland
不自在;不适当的 out of place
n. 中肯,适当 relevance
n.单色显示适配卡 MDA
adj.适应暗光的 darkadapted
n. 弹性,适应性 flexibility

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