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中文 英文
to select;election;selection;to elect
甄选 to select
预选 preliminary competition
选择 to choose;to select
选手 player;athlete
选区 precinct;constituency
选派 to designate
选美 beauty contest
选举 election;to elect
选购 to choose;to go shopping
选本 anthology
推选 elect
挑选 to pick;to choose
人选 persons selected
民选 popularly elected
决选 run-off
竞选 to run for;to enter an election
拣选 to select
抽选 select
铨选 select
遴选 to select
助选会 campaign club
候选人 candidate

中文 英文
n.大选 general election
做一选择 make a choice
n.选矿 mill run
n.首选的 Preferred
v. 选择 opt
挑选;批评 pick on
挑选;拣出 pick out
n.预选会 primary meeting
n.选举票 voting paper
召集投票选举 CFV
n.选课制度 elective system
n.讲道选粹 homiliary
n. 选举学 psephology
n.竞选;助选 electioneering
n.拔萃;选集 collectanea
n.选举事务所 board of elections
n.选择遗产权 esnecy
n.挖掘;选择 picking
n.预选;初选 primary election
n.温度选择器 temperature selector
n. 诗选,文选 anthology
n. 篮球的选手 cager
n. 过滤,筛选 filtration
n.花谱;名诗选 florilegium
n. 选举人名册 pollbook
v. 重选,改选 reelect
n. 再选,改选 reelection
n.可转让的选票 transferable vote
n. 投票,选举 voting
n. 选择,精选品 choice
n.当选者;当选人 electee
a. 有候选资格的 electable
n.参加决赛的选手 finalist
n.正选球员之统称 first string
n.直接投票;普选 popular vote
n.美国总统选举年 presidential year
v.再挑选;再选择 rechoose
n. 选民,投票人 voter
n.教皇选举时的侍从 conclavist
vbl. 选择,决定 choosing
n. 选择者,选举人 chooser
v. 选择,宁愿,欲 choose
n.选举代表所投的票 electoral vote
n. 差劲的运动选手 palooka
n.选择投票法之选票 preferential ballot
adv.选举地;可选地 electively
n.人工选择;人为淘汰 artificial selection
n. 分选羊毛等级的工人 classer
n. 诸家名文选集,读本 chrestomathy
vbl. 选择,决心,欲 chosen

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